These Amazing Animal Rescue Stories Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity

Man and animal can often form an unbreakable bond when a life is in danger. From 400 pound bears to helpless kittens, here are the animal rescue stories that left us in awe.

A Brave Rescue

John Fusco, a heroic Manchester, Conn. firefighter, saved this little poodle from a blazing house fire. The best part of this inspiring animal rescue is how Fusco bottle fed the helpless little pooch once he made it out of the fiery wreckage.


Fins are Friends

When this guide for Pelican Point Kayaking in Walvis Bay, Namibia found a beached baby Benguela dolphin stranded on the ocean shore, he didn’t hesitate to act. The brave man lifted the dolphin up and carried him back into the water. If it wasn’t for this heroic act, the dolphin surely would have not survived.


The Ultimate Dog Lover

Hurricane Harvey was the most devastating storm to hit the U.S. since 2005, causing catastrophic flooding in Texas. Over 30,000 people had to flee their homes, just like this young woman. Amid the chaos, she knew she could leave without her beloved dog. She carried her pup on her shoulders, wading through the water to find shelter and safety.



A Shock Discovery

Norwegians Erik and Torvald were out taking pictures with a new camera when they spotted a poor lamb in the rushing water of a nearby river. They simply couldn’t let the poor animal drown in the turbulent waters. The current was strong but the two never gave up. They eventually pulled the lamb from the stream and back on to dry land.