These celebrities can no longer afford their lavish lifestyles

These celebrities will do anything to remain at the top, whether it be taking on a reality television show gig, or trying their hand in an industry that is entirely out of their own, the most important thing is to maintain the lifestyle of the rich and famous.

Tori Spelling

Tori was born with a literal silver spoon in her mouth as her father, Aaron Spelling, was one of television’s most revered producers in the industry. However, the former 90210 starlet hit tough times when she was sued by American Express for $88,000, City National Bank for $220,000, and the IRS for $707,000.

Tori Spelling

Tori and her husband, Dean, had a somewhat successful reality television show on Oxygen, which was said to have helped with her debt.

Nicolas Cage


Nicolas Cage was one of the biggest stars in the 90s. At one point he was so wealthy thanks to his film career that he spent his income on such extravagances as a private jet, exotic animals, and his very own island. Eventually, though, the IRS caught up with him and the $14 million he did not pay along the way.

Nicolas Cage

Adding to his financial woes was a 2009 lawsuit by one of his ex-wives, as well as a lawsuit by a property company for an outstanding loan. These days, Nicolas is gravitating towards any paying role that is offered to him.



Tyga is known as both a rapper and the guy who dated Kylie Jenner for several years. While his star was shining back then, today Tyga’s financial state is far from shining. Tyga owes $185,000 to a jeweler for a watch he never gave back, a lawsuit by several women who were shown getting undressed in a music video of his despite the fact that he said he would cut that specific part out, and unpaid rent on several properties he lived in.

At this point in time, Tyga’s Maybach, Lamborghini, Bentley, and Ferrari have been confiscated. That cannot be pleasant.



Lena Headey

She might be one of the Game of Thrones most popular stars but that doesn’t mean her bank balance is stable! Living in a castle on the series where she plays Cersei, is the total opposite to her wealth in real life. In 2013, Headey had to go public about her income and savings.
Lena Headley

Declaring legal documents, she asked for a tax refund as she had “less than $5 in her bank account.” Her ex-husband tried to speak out about where all her money went but the information didn’t service. So, where does she keep her $1million an episode pay cheque?