Her Father Stopped The Wedding, 50 Years Later She Discovered The Reason Why

They met in college

This is the shocking love story of Janice Rude and Wilson Prentiss. They two met at college in Los Angeles, in 1962. After a whirlwind romance, the two young love birds decided to tie the knot. They knew they wanted to have a small wedding, celebrating their love, surrounded by family and friends.


Their love story began and ended

Janice and Wilson met in the University’s cafeteria, where she was working. After a chance encounter, the two went on their first date and the rest, as they say, was history. They fell in love and became inseparable.


Not what he had in mind

When Janice told her father about her plans to marry Wilson, he insisted that she end the relationship and cancel the wedding. Janice already had her heart set on the most beautiful wedding dress, but she felt devastated by her dad’s disapproval. She could not go ahead without her father’s consent. Tragically, she didn’t go through with the wedding.



A father’s explanation

Many years later, Janice explained to AARP Magazine the possible reasons her father was so against her marriage with Wilson.