This wedding guest gave the couple $300 but then asked for $270 back after the wedding

This wedding guest gave the couple $300 but then asked for $270 back after the wedding

Getting married leads to a myriad of feelings from the couple arranging their big day. They feel happy that they are about to celebrate the fact that they are going to spend the rest of their lives together, excited that they will be surrounded by their nearest and dearest, stressed that they need to plan this big event, worried that people will not have fun or that something will not go according to plan, and others are concerned that some of their guests will feel as though giving a wedding gift is too much out of their budget. All of the above can happen, some of it surely will, but in this case, we are focusing on the topic of wedding gifts and the story this bride detailed is all about a situation where she was gifted a sum of money for her wedding from a guest, only to have that very guest request part of the funds back a few months post-wedding. We have to admit that that is a little unorthodox, to say the least.

Wedding day

About five years ago, Janelle married the love of her life at a wedding that they planned and enjoyed more than they ever expected. As most couples do, after the wedding day itself they decided to get into the gifts that they received as a newlywed couple.

In the case of Janelle and her husband, all they wanted was to share their special day with their loved ones – the gifts were a bonus and not at all the reason for their wedding events. It is heartbreaking to think that there is an ulterior motive by some couples to get more gifts out of their guests.

Trending gifts

Other traditions in terms of gifting were common back in the day as times were different. It used to be the case that couples did not live together until they were married. Wedding gifts used to be items for the home as it was thought that each person was coming into a shared home without anything – that is not true today.

These days, not only do couples live together before marriage, but the gifting concept has changed. Couples now want funds for a honeymoon or a lump sum from their wedding to help them start their lives together on the right financial foot.

Uncle’s present

When Janelle and her husband got to her uncle’s gift of $300, she was very surprised at the amount of money in the card he gifted them. She knew her uncle made good money in his line of work but she did not expect that much from him.

After the initial surprise wore off, she was very grateful to her uncle as that was the point of the gifts. They decided that they would thank him by sending him a little gift, rather than just sending a thank you card.


Awkward Moment

However, Janelle would soon learn that her uncle did not mean to gift her and her new husband that much money and that he was going to ask for it back too.

Awkward Moment

It was three months later that Janelle would get a nervous call from her uncle. He told her that he had made a mistake on the check and that he meant to gift her $30 and not $300.