15+ Riddles That Will Make Anyone Scratch Their Head – Answers Included
Are you a fan of riddles? Do you enjoy the challenge of solving puzzles that exercise your brain and entertain you simultaneously? If so, you’re in for a treat! We’ve curated a collection of 15+ mind-boggling riddles that are sure to test your logic, creativity, and general knowledge. Some are easy, some are hard, and some are downright tricky. But fret not; we’ve also included the answers. So, sharpen your wits, and let’s see how many of these riddles you can crack!
This article was originally published on worldtravelling.com and has been republished here with permission.
Who stole a pair of green pants?
The shop worker Susan discovers that one pair of green pants is missing when there are three men inside the store.
Who among the three males took the pants? The answer lies in paying attention to detail.
If you look down at their ankles, you will notice that the man on the far left has green pants underneath his gray pants. He tried to steal it.
Why did the police arrest Dylan?
Late one night, the police arrived at Dylan’s door to execute a search warrant. They said that he was a suspect in the theft of money from a bank. Dylan claimed that he stayed inside all day as one of the police officers checked the area around his living room.
What possible proof could the police have discovered that resulted in the man’s capture?
A receipt is found with many purchases made that day, indicating he went on a shopping spree after stealing from the bank.
The pants trick
The riddle: What’s in a man’s pants that you just won’t find in a girl’s pants?
We guess you thought about something else you can find there, but the answer actually is: Pockets.
Say what?
I don’t have a mouth, and I don’t have ears. I don’t have a body, but wind makes me alive. So who am I?
This puzzle works by tricking your mind into picturing ears and a mouth. You are given a small hint about wind to help you think abstractly and avoid taking things literally. Response: An echo. It is a sound that is produced repeatedly as a result of sound waves being reflected off various surfaces. Due to the lag between the sound’s initial creation and its return from the reflecting surface, the sound is audible more than once.