30+ Example Of Cuddly Dogs Not Matching Their Beware Of Dog Signs

We don’t live in a perfect world, and that means that we all have to make plans for how to protect our homes and properties from people who might try to intrude. You can pay for top of the line security systems and install CCTV all around your property, but you still need a canine companion to patrol the area if you really want to feel safe. Or at least that is what some dog owners want people to believe. Simply placing a menacing ‘Beware of Dog’ sign can scare away people who may be up to no good. Nobody wants to face a dog that can smell them from a mile away, and might want to take a bite out of them.

However, not all the dogs that live at homes with these signs are scary at all. The sign does not always fit the dog. Some dog owners have simply placed a ‘Beware of Dog’ sign on their fences to pretend like they have a big scary pitbull waiting on the other side of the fence. To prove that not all of these guard dogs are fearsome, people around the globe have begun snapping pictures of their furry faces next to the signs.

Ancient History

Dogs have been revered as guard animals since ancient Greek times. That’s why it makes sense that they have been able to maintain that image throughout the centuries. One family decided to warn passersby of their frightening dogs with the standard ‘Beware of Dog’ sign, but they didn’t mention how the dogs would be scary.

What they should have added was, ‘Beware of Happy Puppy.’ This little golden retriever pup just wants to greet everyone that walks by.

The Case Of The Scary Puppy

Some dogs are bred to be guard dogs, like rottweilers and dobermans. The Australian shepard is a working dog, but not the kind that usually guards homes. Instead, these adorable mid-sized canines are used to herd sheep, and keep them safe from wolves.


This little puppy definitely does not live up to ‘attack dog’ status, and looks more like he’s ready for a cuddle or a good game of fetch.

Look Down

There are hundreds of different breeds of dogs, and they come in all different shapes, sizes, colors, and temperaments. Understanding your dog’s breed is one of the keys to understanding the dog itself.


For guard dogs, they need to have some heft behind them if they are going to scare off intruders. This guard dog is a bit lacking in that department, and unless he has a mighty big bark, probably isn’t going to be stopping anyone from entering the property.


Come Closer

German shepherds are one of the dog breeds that have been traditionally used as guard dogs, and as working dogs in police K-9 units. The breed itself has a powerful jaw, and knows how to sniff people out who are hiding.


While this family’s german shepherd might have been bred to guard, he is more interested in saying hello, getting a few pats, and giving people lots of doggy kisses. There’s no guarding happening here.