30+ Car Upkeep Hacks That Will Definitely Save You Some Money

Cars are remarkable feats of engineering that simplify our lives, enabling us to travel from one location to another easily. The convenience they offer is undeniable, making the task of maintaining them not just necessary but essential. Just as humans require care and attention to function at their best, cars too need regular upkeep to ensure they remain in top condition and safe for the roads.

While some aspects of car maintenance, such as timely oil changes, are widely recognized, other valuable tips, such as avoiding prolonged idling, might not be as familiar. The car maintenance strategies we’re about to explore are designed to keep your vehicle operating smoothly, ensuring both the car’s longevity and the driver’s satisfaction. Moreover, these practical tips are cost-effective, potentially saving you from expensive repairs down the line.

When To Shift To Neutral

Shifting into neutral is pretty natural for most people. You do this when you are parked or when you are waiting for a light to change from red to green. The act of being in neutral is actually good for transmissions, as it tends to make them last longer.

When a car is in drive, it naturally wants to jump forward, being in neutral stops this from happening. Transmissions need breaks too.

Check The Oil Consistently

Cars can’t run without oil. A good way to think about this is to imagine the body of a car, like a human’s. The oil running through all of the components is like blood running through a human’s veins.


Oil changes are necessary, and depend on mileage. As soon as you hit 3,000 miles it is best to check the oil gauge to see if it needs to be changed. The same goes for the 7,500 mile mark if you have forgotten to check at 3,000.

Don’t Be A Gas Guzzler

Going on a road trip is a lot of fun, but it does mean driving for many hours. All of those hours on the road can lead to an increase in RPM, which means your car is using more gas than it should.


To avoid this, keep RPM to around 3,000 if your car is new, that will keep your car from guzzling gas as you head towards an exotic destination. Gas mileage is established early on.


Avoid Revving The Engine

Anyone who has watched the Fast and the Furious franchise, knows that revving an engine sounds pretty cool. In reality though, your car’s engine will not thank you for this, Revving an engine does not prepare it to work better.


In fact, revving an engine can actually make an engine require repairs sooner rather than later. Let your vehicle warm up naturally, and only start driving when it is ready to go.