Over 50 Plant Myths That People Still Believe – Check To See You’re Not Harming Your Plants

Step into the verdant realm of indoor gardening, a world filled with beauty and numerous myths that cloud the truth, affecting both time and wallet for many enthusiasts. This guide aims to dissect and debunk over 23 widespread myths surrounding the care of houseplants. From the intricacies of proper watering techniques to the actual needs concerning sunlight, soil composition, and fertilizer myths, we intend to provide clarity and empowerment for every indoor gardener.

With each myth busted, our mission is to give you the knowledge and confidence needed to nurture your indoor garden more effectively. So, put on your gardening gloves and clear the air together. Get ready to see your botanical companions from a completely different perspective and cultivate your indoor sanctuary with renewed confidence and insight.

Myth 1: Bathrooms are great for plants

The belief that bathrooms are great for plants due to increased humidity during showers or baths doesn’t consider the full picture. After the warm water stops running, the environment becomes less hospitable, with the room’s surfaces designed to dry quickly and often being the coldest in the house. Cold air retains less humidity, making it a less-than-ideal environment for plants that thrive in warm, humid conditions.


Rather than focusing on temporary conditions, take into account the overall environment your plant experiences throughout the day. Bathrooms may not be the optimal choice for many houseplants after all.

Myth 2: Stick to a Strict Watering Schedule

Adhering to a strict watering schedule may appear to be an organized approach to plant care. Still, it can inadvertently lead to over- or under-watering due to the diverse needs of different plants. The rate at which soil dries depends on numerous factors, including pot size, plant size, temperature, humidity, and light conditions, which can vary significantly over time.


To optimize your plant’s health and avoid potential issues, it’s best to regularly monitor the soil moisture and adjust your watering habits accordingly, providing water only when necessary based on the specific requirements of each plant.

Myth 3: Coffee Grounds Make Great Fertilizers

Embark on a tantalizing exploration of coffee grounds as a fertilizer in the captivating world of plant care! Though these aromatic remnants provide some nutrients, beware of their dark side – they can brew up an acidic environment that doesn’t suit every plant.

Rural Sprout

Instead, be a plant care alchemist, using coffee grounds sparingly or composting them first to temper the acidity. Transform your plant care rituals with this knowledge and cultivate a thriving, harmonious indoor garden!


Myth 4: Tap Water = Chlorine Overdose

Many believe tap water’s chlorine or chloramine levels can harm plants’ health. This misconception has led to concerns that using tap water for irrigation may expose plants to a chlorine overdose. However, this is far from the truth.


In reality, chlorine is an essential micronutrient that plants require for proper growth and development. While it is true that excessive amounts of chlorine can be harmful, the trace levels found in tap water are usually well within the safe range for most plants. In fact, these small amounts of chlorine can help plants maintain healthy cell structures, contribute to photosynthesis, and assist in osmosis.