The Cat Owner’s Guide: 30+ Common Mistakes to Avoid

Cats are enigmatic beings, captivating yet often puzzling even to those who adore them. While their mysterious natures make them intriguing pets, it also means that we often misinterpret their needs or make inadvertent errors in their care.

You’re far from alone if you find yourself scratching your head trying to decode your feline friend’s behavior. To help you navigate the complexities of cat parenthood, we’ve compiled a list of common mistakes that many cat owners make, along with practical advice on how to avoid them.

Smaller Pets

While some cats may coexist peacefully with smaller pets, remember that a cat’s natural instinct is to hunt. Those heartwarming videos of cats peacefully interacting with hamsters or birds are generally exceptions, not the rule.


If you plan to introduce a smaller pet into the home, ensure you have a secure environment that keeps both animals safe, such as a strong, lockable cage for the smaller pet.

Hands-On Play

Ah, the charm of those adorable kitten mittens! But don’t be fooled; these aren’t mittens; they’re miniature weaponry. Sure, hands-on play feels like a cute and intimate bonding experience. However, when excitement peaks, those tiny claws become more akin to Wolverine’s blades than you’d care to admit.

International Cat Care

So, unless you fancy sporting battle scars as your latest fashion statement, it’s high time to switch to toys like feather wands and plush mice. It keeps your skin intact and your cat engaged, leading to a playtime experience that is joyous rather than Jurassic.

Styling Fur

Do you have visions of turning your cat into the next fur fashionista? Hold that thought! Styling your cat’s fur with dyes and scissors isn’t just an ethical faux pas; it’s a downright dangerous endeavor. Cats have sensitive skin, and using the wrong dye can result in an unfortunate trip to the vet.

BuzzFeed News

Besides, let’s face it: your cat wakes up every morning already looking like a runway model. They don’t need a makeover, and they certainly don’t want one. Embrace your cat’s natural beauty, and save the styling for your social media selfies.


Low Blow

Some folks swear by blowing a gentle puff of air into a cat’s face to calm them down. Seems harmless enough, right? Well, not so fast! While some cats might find it soothing, others could interpret it as a declaration of war. The outcome is a toss-up between a chilled-out kitty and a furious, swiping ninja cat.


It’s like playing Russian roulette but with paws and claws instead of bullets. So, before you decide to become a human fan for your cat, remember that this could backfire spectacularly. Proceed with caution and maybe consider more universally accepted calming techniques.


Predatory Instincts

Your cuddly cat may seem like a harmless furball, but deep down, they’re a predator at heart. So, if you’re thinking of introducing a hamster or bird into the family, think twice! Cats have deeply ingrained instincts that make small, moving creatures irresistible targets. Even if they don’t mean to harm, their playful swats can become lethal strikes.

The New York Times

To ensure peaceful cohabitation, always make introductions between your cat and new pets cautiously and slowly. Use barriers like gates or cages initially and monitor their interactions closely. It’s better to be safe than sorry when mixing and matching members of your furry family.


Scary Balloons

We all love a good party, and balloons seem like an essential part of the celebration. But let’s get one thing straight: cats hate balloons. To your feline friend, balloons aren’t festive; they’re frightening. They’re floating, wobbling anomalies that make sudden, startling noises when popped.

Cats Playing With Balloons Compilation

To a cat, a popping balloon might as well be an alien laser gun. Not to mention, the remnants of popped balloons can pose a choking hazard. So, if you’re planning a soiree, maybe opt for less terrifying decorations like streamers or fairy lights. Your cat will thank you for not turning your living room into a horror movie set.


Feeding Routine

Cats may be known for their independence, but when it comes to feeding time, they’re creatures of habit. Disrupting their meal schedule can cause unnecessary stress and anxiety. Yes, your carefree explorer transforms into a precise timekeeper at the food bowl.


An erratic feeding schedule doesn’t just make a hangry cat; it can lead to digestive problems and weight issues. To keep your cat’s life—and yours—as smooth as possible, establish a consistent feeding routine. Set alarms if you have to because when it comes to mealtime, your feline friend’s internal clock is ticking, and you don’t want to be late.


Perfect Strangers

We all love having friends over, but your cat may not share your enthusiasm. To your kitty, each new guest in your home is a potential invader in their territory. Attempting to force your cat to interact with your friends is a recipe for feline frustration.


The best way to handle this is to let your cat make the first move. Provide a safe space to which they can retreat if they feel overwhelmed, and let them approach your guests at their own pace. Pressuring your cat into social interactions not only stresses them out but could also damage the trust between you and your furry companion.


Low Temperatures

Your cat’s luxurious fur coat might give the impression of a built-in winter wardrobe, but don’t be fooled. Cats are surprisingly sensitive to cold temperatures. Just like us, they prefer a warm and cozy environment, especially during the chilly winter months.


Recommendations from pet experts like Rescue Vets suggest keeping your home at around 70 degrees to ensure your cat stays comfortable. When the temperature dips, you might find your cat snuggling up to radiators or wrapping themselves in blankets. So, keep that thermostat up, and maybe invest in a cozy cat bed to help your feline friend brave the winter chill.


Transform your cat’s daily routine into an exciting adventure! Cats, like little furry athletes, thrive on short bursts of energy. To keep your feline friend happy and healthy, incorporate several play sessions throughout the day, each lasting about 5 to 10 minutes. This approach is much more effective than a single, longer playtime. The key to engaging your cat lies in variety and creativity. Invest in a feathery wand or some playful toy mice – these simple toys can provide hours of entertainment.


When using a feather wand, make sure to keep it at your cat’s level, inviting them to leap and pounce. Toss a toy mouse across the room and watch your cat playfully tackle and chase after it. And never underestimate the timeless charm of a piece of string! Whether you’re dashing around your home or just wiggling the string on the floor, this classic toy is sure to captivate your cat’s attention. Regular play keeps your cat physically fit and sharpens their mental acuity. So, make each day a playful journey for your feline companion!


Elevate your cat’s playtime to a whole new level by creating a toy wonderland! Cats love variety, and providing an array of toys will keep them endlessly entertained. The best part? You don’t need to break the bank. The secret is in the rotation – switch out the toys weekly to keep things fresh and exciting. This way, your cat won’t lose interest, and each toy will feel like a brand-new discovery.


Add an element of surprise by hiding toys around the house, tapping into your cat’s innate hunting instincts. Watch as your cat joyfully explores and discovers these hidden treasures, turning your home into a playful hunting ground. For a modern twist, introduce some digital fun. Numerous cat-friendly games available for tablets can captivate your cat’s attention. These interactive games are entertaining and stimulate your cat’s mind, providing a perfect blend of physical and mental exercise.


Bad Teeth

Oral hygiene isn’t just a human concern; it’s a feline one too. Many cat owners overlook dental care, leading to issues like gingivitis, tooth decay, and even systemic infections in their pets. To avoid this, start brushing your cat’s teeth when they are about six months old.


Use a vet-recommended, pet-friendly toothbrush and toothpaste. Get your cat accustomed to having its mouth touched to minimize resistance during the actual process. Brushing is more than a chore; it’s a critical aspect of your pet’s health that can help avoid painful issues and costly vet visits in the long run.


Pregnancy Overpampering

When your feline companion is expecting, it’s tempting to spoil her with extra treats and reduced exercise. However, this well-meaning gesture can backfire. Overfeeding can lead to weight gain, making delivery more complicated, and lack of exercise can result in decreased muscle tone—both of which are not ideal for a pregnant cat.


Instead, consult your veterinarian for tailored advice on diet and exercise during pregnancy. Remember, what you think is pampering might actually be detrimental to your cat’s health and the well-being of her unborn kittens


Tearful Misinterpretation

Seeing your cat shed tears can be alarming and may prompt immediate concern. While it’s a natural instinct to think your feline is emotionally distressed, tears are generally not a sign of emotional turmoil in cats. In fact, watery eyes could signify an underlying health issue, such as allergies or eye infections.


Instead of soothing your cat as you would a crying child, it’s crucial to consult a vet for a thorough evaluation. Ignoring or misinterpreting tearfulness could delay necessary medical intervention, possibly leading to more severe complications.


The Scooping Misstep

One common mistake cat owners make is not scooping the litter box properly or frequently enough. Neglecting this task can lead to a buildup of waste and bacteria, creating an unsanitary environment for your cat and unpleasant odors in your home. It’s essential to scoop the litter box at least once a day to keep it clean and encourage your cat to use it.


Failing to maintain a clean litter box can lead to behavioral issues, like inappropriate elimination, and even urinary tract infections for your feline friend. So, don’t underestimate the importance of a well-scooped litter box. If you are unable to clean your cats litter yourself by scooping perhaps its best to by a self cleaning litter box so the hard work is done for you.


Insufficient Litter in the Box

A common oversight among cat owners is not filling the litter box with enough litter. Cats instinctively dig and bury their waste, and a scantily filled box hinders this natural behavior. This can lead to discomfort and stress for your cat, potentially causing them to avoid the litter box altogether.


The ideal litter depth is about 2-3 inches, allowing cats to dig and cover effectively without creating a mess. Regularly check and maintain the litter level to ensure your cat’s comfort and hygiene. Understanding and accommodating your cat’s natural behaviors is key to a happy, well-adjusted pet.


The Misstep of Feeding Canned Beans to Cats

A common mistake cat owners make is feeding canned beans to their pets. These beans often contain preservatives and high levels of sodium, which are not suitable for cats. For instance, a half cup of canned beans can have around 400 to 500 milligrams of sodium. Cats have a very low tolerance for sodium, and such high levels can be harmful to their health.


A safer alternative is to offer small amounts of green beans, lentils, or dried beans that are neither salted nor canned. These options are healthier and cater to cats’ dietary needs without the risks associated with canned beans.


Misinterpreting Feline Smiles

Many cat owners misinterpret their pet’s ‘smile’ as a sign of happiness, similar to human expressions. However, in feline behavior, what appears to be a smile can indicate different emotions or states. Cats may ‘smile’ or show their teeth due to various reasons, including feeling threatened, anxious, or experiencing discomfort.


This misunderstanding can lead to miscommunication between the cat and its owner, potentially affecting their relationship. It’s crucial for cat owners to learn and understand the nuances of feline body language to accurately interpret their pet’s feelings and provide appropriate care and response.


Approaching Your Cat

When it comes to bonding with your cat, the approach can make all the difference. A direct walk-up can be intimidating, so it’s best to start by crouching to their level and extending a finger towards the cat. This non-threatening gesture mimics a cat’s nose-to-nose greeting.


Wait for the cat to come to you, sniffing your finger as a sign of trust. Resist the urge to immediately pet or pick up the cat; patience is key. Let them dictate the pace of the interaction, ensuring they feel secure and in control, laying the foundation for a positive relationship.


The Wrong Ways to Pick Up a Cat: Avoid These Common Mistakes

Picking up a cat incorrectly can lead to discomfort or even injury, and it’s a mistake that’s all too common among new and experienced cat owners. Never Lift by the Front Legs: Just like you wouldn’t appreciate being hoisted by your arms, cats are not designed to be picked up by their front legs. This can cause undue stress on their joints and ligaments, leading to pain or injury. Avoid the Scruff: While mother cats carry their kittens by the scruff, this is not suitable for adult cats. Their bodies are much heavier, and lifting them this way can be painful and harmful.


Lifting by the Middle is a No-No: Scooping a cat up by their middle might seem convenient, but it fails to support their body evenly. This can result in a sensation of insecurity and potential harm to their delicate spine. Remember, always approach a cat calmly, and when lifting, support their chest with one hand and use the other to cradle their hind legs, creating a secure ‘seat’ for them. By avoiding these common lifting mistakes, you’ll ensure your cat’s comfort and safety, strengthening your bond with your furry companion.


Cat Drool

Cats usually aren’t big droolers, so if your feline friend starts slobbering, it might be cause for concern. Excessive drooling can sometimes signal that your cat is overly relaxed or pleased—perhaps while kneading or purring during a cozy cuddle session.


However, it can also indicate health issues such as dental problems, oral injuries, or more serious conditions like kidney disease or respiratory infections. Always observe the context of the drooling: is it during affectionate moments or constant? Persistent drooling warrants a vet visit to rule out any underlying health issues and ensure your cat remains healthy and happy.


Feline Panleukopenia

Feline panleukopenia, also known as feline distemper, is a serious virus that affects cats with potentially fatal outcomes. One of the most striking signs of this illness is severe, uncontrollable bloody diarrhea. This symptom is not only distressing but can lead to extreme dehydration quickly.


Owners should monitor their cats’ water intake; it’s crucial to ensure they are drinking sufficiently. Cats may sit near their water bowls for long periods without actually drinking, a behavior that can easily be overlooked. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your veterinarian promptly to get the necessary care and treatment.


Addressing Fleas and Their Aftermath in Cats

When dealing with fleas in cats, it’s crucial not to stop at just eliminating the fleas themselves. Many cat owners make the mistake of treating the infestation without addressing the skin irritation and potential infections that can follow.


If you notice your cat scratching excessively, check for signs of fleas, such as small black dots (flea dirt) or the fleas themselves. After treating your cat with a vet-recommended flea treatment, also focus on healing the skin. Use soothing topical treatments and consider adding omega fatty acids to their diet to support skin health. Neglecting this can lead to prolonged discomfort and more serious skin conditions.


Oral Medication

A common mistake cat owners make when trying to give their cat a pill is not securing the pill deep enough in the cat’s mouth, which often leads to the cat spitting it out. To administer oral medication effectively, you need to ensure that the pill reaches far back on the tongue.


Hold your cat’s head gently but firmly, and lightly press on their jaw to coax their mouth open. Place the pill as far back on the tongue as possible, then quickly close the mouth and hold it shut. Stroke their throat to encourage swallowing. Remember, patience and practice are key, and always reward your cat afterward to maintain trust and ease future administrations.


Kitten Care

Many people assume kittens are easy to care for, like adult cats, but less demanding than dogs. However, this is a misconception. Kittens require extensive care and attention, especially in their formative weeks. They need feeding every 2-3 hours and must be trained for basic behaviors, including litter box use. While they don’t need walks like dogs, kittens demand significant time for socialization and play to develop healthy habits.


If your lifestyle involves long hours away, reconsider adopting a kitten. They need more than love; they require your consistent presence and dedication. Remember, a kitten’s early months set the foundation for their future behavior and health.


Chicken Dinner

The phrase “winner winner chicken dinner” takes on a different meaning when it comes to your cat. While chicken is generally safe for cats, caution is necessary. If the chicken has bones, they can easily splinter and pose a severe choking hazard or even damage internal organs.


Remove all bones meticulously if you plan to treat your feline to a chicken feast. Paying attention to this detail can help avoid a life-threatening situation, turning your chicken dinner from a potential disaster into a real win.


Cold Food

Storing wet cat food in the fridge can extend its shelf life, but serving it straight from the cold can be a culinary misstep. Cats prefer their food at room temperature; it brings out the flavors and smells that cats find appealing.

The Happy Cat Site

Serving cold food not only dulls these sensory cues but can also cause stomach upset. Take the extra few minutes to allow the food to reach room temperature before offering it to your feline friend. Your attention to this detail will make mealtime more enjoyable for your cat.


Flash Photography

Capturing your cat’s adorable moments on camera is tempting, but think twice before you use flash. The bright light is not only startling to cats but also can produce photos where their eyes look unnatural. Plus, the glare often distorts the true colors of their beautiful fur.


Instead, opt for natural lighting whenever possible. It’s more flattering and won’t leave your cat disoriented or stressed. Your Instagram followers, especially those partial to cats over dogs, will appreciate the improved photo quality too!


Tail Touching

Pet owners might be tempted to pet or grab their cat’s tail, but experts strongly advise against it. Tails are an essential part of a cat’s anatomy, serving as a balance tool and a communication device. Moreover, they are sensitive structures filled with nerves, ligaments, and tendons.


Touching or pulling a cat’s tail can result in stress, discomfort, and potential injury. It’s important to respect this aspect of feline anatomy and educate others in the household about the significance of not touching a cat’s tail.


Litter With the Laundry

Placing your cat’s litter box in the laundry room might seem like a convenient, out-of-the-way option, but it can actually lead to several problems. Firstly, the loud noise of the washing machine and dryer can startle your cat and make them anxious about using their litter box, potentially leading to accidents elsewhere in the house. Additionally, the laundry room often experiences fluctuations in temperature and humidity, making it an uncomfortable environment for your feline friend.


Laundry detergents and other cleaning supplies commonly stored there can also emit strong smells that might deter your cat from using the box. Furthermore, laundry rooms are generally high-traffic areas, reducing the privacy your cat needs to do its business. For these reasons, it’s advisable to find a quieter, more stable location for the litter box.


Dry Food Only

Feeding your cat a diet solely of dry food is the feline equivalent of you eating fast food every day. Yes, it’s convenient and no fuss, but it’s a shortcut to Fluffy becoming, well, fluffy.


Dry food is notorious for being high in carbs and low in moisture, which is a recipe for weight gain and kidney issues. And while you might think that your cat gulping down water is adequate, they still need the moisture that wet food provides. So, break out the can opener and mix in some wet food to achieve a balanced diet. Your cat will thank you, both in purrs and in health.


Laser Cats

Laser pointers are often considered fun toys that can give your cat hours of exercise. However, animal behaviorists suggest that this seemingly harmless play can lead to problems. For instance, a laser pointer never provides the “capture” satisfaction that cats need, leaving them increasingly frustrated and agitated.

Tipp City Veterinary Hospital

Additionally, there is also a risk of eye injury if the laser is aimed improperly. Instead of laser pointers, consider interactive toys that allow your cat to feel the satisfaction of the hunt, such as toy mice or feather wands.


Deep Food Bowls

Choosing a food bowl for your cat involves more than just aesthetics. Deep bowls may look good but can be problematic for your feline. Firstly, deep bowls make it hard for cats to reach the food at the bottom, causing frustration and hunger.


Secondly, they can lead to whisker fatigue, a real issue described by experts like PetMD as a sensory overload that can stress your cat. The constant contact with the sides of the deep bowl can be irritating. Opt for a shallow dish to make mealtime a stress-free experience.


Boring Food

Cats are creatures of habit, but monotony in their diet can lead to nutritional deficiencies, allergies, and downright food boredom. A versatile menu not only keeps your cat interested but also ensures a balanced intake of essential nutrients.


Regularly introduce new flavors and textures, but make the transition gradual to avoid upsetting their stomach. A varied diet will enrich your cat’s life and could contribute to long-term health.


Clipping Nails

One common blunder is cutting into the “quick,” the pinkish area inside the nail where blood vessels live. Snip this, and brace for a blood-curdling meow and potential infection.


Another mistake? Using dull clippers. They can crush the nail rather than cut it, causing splintering and pain. Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of distraction. One wrong move while your cat is captivated by a bird outside could result in a clipped paw, not a clipped nail.


Bathing Time

Many cats detest water, making bath time a dreaded chore for owners. The good news? Most cats don’t need regular baths. They’re excellent self-groomers, especially the short-haired breeds.

Dogs in Suds Grooming

Bathing can disrupt the natural oils in their fur and skin. Reserve baths for when your cat gets into something sticky or smelly. Otherwise, trust your cat’s grooming instincts and save both of you from the stress of a forced bath.



The issue of feline obesity is increasingly concerning, with about half of domestic cats being overweight. Overfeeding contributes significantly to this problem, leading to health issues like diabetes, heart disease, and reduced lifespan.


Consult your veterinarian for a diet plan that keeps your cat at a healthy weight. Scheduled meals, rather than free-feeding, can also help manage your cat’s weight effectively.


Strange Sounds

Cats communicate in a variety of vocalizations, from meows to purrs. If you notice a sudden change in your cat’s vocal habits, take it seriously. According to experts, variations in a cat’s sounds could be a sign of several health issues, like high blood pressure or thyroid problems.

Best Friends Animal Society

Monitoring these vocal cues can provide early detection of potential problems, giving you a chance to consult your vet for an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.


Yelling No-Yell

Frustration with a misbehaving cat is understandable, but yelling only compounds the issue. Cats are sensitive to loud noises, and yelling can make them anxious or frightened. This negative reinforcement rarely achieves the desired behavior change and can strain your relationship with your pet.


Instead, use positive reinforcement techniques such as treats and affection to reward good behavior. If a correction is needed, a firm but gentle “no” is usually sufficient to get your point across without creating fear or anxiety.


Dirty Dishes

Food and water bowls are often overlooked in daily cleaning routines, yet they can be a hotbed for bacteria. Just as you wouldn’t eat off dirty dishes, your cat shouldn’t either. Residue from food and saliva can lead to bacterial growth that could cause health issues for your cat.

World Animal Foundation

Thoroughly wash the bowls daily, not just a quick rinse. For water bowls, clean them out before refilling to ensure your cat is drinking fresh, uncontaminated water. This simple act can make a significant difference in your pet’s well-being.


Primordial Pouch

See that flap of skin hanging from your cat’s belly? No, it’s not a sign your fur baby needs a feline fitness regimen—it’s their primordial pouch! This evolutionary relic provides extra protection during catfights. But here’s where people get it twisted: some mistake it for excess weight and put poor Whiskers on a needless diet, risking malnutrition.


Others think it’s a free pass to overfeed, assuming the pouch will just expand. Wrong again! Overfeeding can lead to obesity, with or without a pouch. Lastly, never try to surgically remove it; the pouch is natural and serves a purpose. Let that kitty pouch be!


The Eye Game

Locking eyes with a loved one might be a tender experience for humans, but for cats, it’s quite the opposite. Direct eye contact is often interpreted as a sign of aggression or intimidation in the feline world. So, while you might think you’re sharing a loving moment, your cat may actually feel threatened.


This can lead to unnecessary stress or even defensive behavior like hissing or swatting. The next time you want to show affection, avoid staring and opt for a slow blink instead. Cats view this as a sign of trust, and many will return the gesture, indicating a strengthening bond.


The All-You-Can-Eat Dilemma

A perpetually full bowl of food might seem like a generous gift, but it can do more harm than good. While some cats have the discipline to only eat what they need, many others will consume whatever is available, leading to weight gain and associated health risks like diabetes and heart disease.


An overflowing bowl can also make it difficult to track your cat’s appetite, which is an essential indicator of their health. Instead of free-feeding, establish a regular meal schedule and adhere to the portion guidelines provided by your veterinarian to maintain optimal health.


Cuddle Time

Cats may appear aloof, but many enjoy quality cuddle time. The key, however, is to let them come to you. Cats are creatures that appreciate autonomy. Forced cuddles can make them uncomfortable or even lead to defensive behavior.


Instead, watch for cues that they’re in the mood for affection, like purring or nuzzling. Give them the freedom to initiate the interaction, and you’ll find that the cuddles you do share will be much more rewarding for both of you.


Nosey Greetings

Among cats, nose-to-nose greetings are common, but forcing this form of contact is a mistake. Cats value their personal space and usually prefer to initiate any form of physical contact. To invite a friendly sniff, extend your finger toward your cat’s nose while avoiding sudden movements.


If they are interested, they will lean in for a closer sniff or even a nose tap. Never force the interaction, as doing so could result in your finger being mistaken for a toy or, worse, a threat.


Food Freshness

Cats are discerning eaters, and offering stale food is a quick way to turn them off mealtime. Wet cat food, in particular, has a short shelf life once opened. Serving it after it has gone stale can lead to bacterial growth, putting your pet at risk of food poisoning.


The smell of spoiled food can also make it less appealing to your cat, causing them to skip meals, which is detrimental to their overall health. Always follow storage guidelines and discard any food that has been left out too long.


Cuddle on Their Terms

Contrary to popular belief, cats aren’t aloof creatures who shun human affection. They can be incredibly loving; they just want to call the shots when it comes to cuddling. Forcing a cuddle session will likely result in a stressed-out cat and possibly some scratches for you.


The best approach is to let your cat initiate the cuddle. Pay attention to their body language; when they’re ready, they might nuzzle you or settle down near you. Respecting their space and boundaries will make the cuddle time more enjoyable for both parties involved.


Mealtime Monotony

Cats might be creatures of habit, but that doesn’t mean they enjoy a monotonous diet. Serving the same food day in and day out can not only lead to boredom but it can also potentially cause nutrient deficiencies or allergies.


Rotating between different high-quality foods can keep your cat interested in meals and provide a well-rounded nutritional profile. Additionally, new flavors and textures can add excitement to mealtime, making it a more enriching experience. Just remember to introduce any new foods gradually to avoid upsetting your cat’s digestive system.


Fashion Faux-pas

Dressing up pets is a topic that divides opinion. While some find it endearing, others argue it could be restrictive and stressful for the animal. If you decide to dress your cat in costumes, make sure the clothing is comfortable and not too tight.

The Year of Halloween

The outfit should allow the cat to move, breathe, and communicate freely. Also, avoid hats or headgear, as they can interfere with a cat’s hearing and peripheral vision. Always supervise your cat while it’s dressed to ensure it doesn’t get tangled or distressed.


Bowl Placement

While placing food and water bowls next to each other might seem practical to you, cats prefer them to be separate. In the wild, cats do not eat and drink in the same location. Eating near their water supply can dissuade them from drinking, leading to dehydration.


The smell of food can contaminate the water, making it less appealing. Separating the bowls can encourage more frequent drinking, which is beneficial for their digestive system and overall health.


Little Humans, Big Stress

Cats are territorial by nature, and the sudden appearance of a small, loud human can be unnerving for them. The introduction between cats and children should be gradual and monitored. Experts recommend using audio recordings of baby sounds to acclimate your cat to the new noises.

In The Know

Slow, supervised introductions can help both parties become comfortable with each other. Teach children how to properly pet and handle the cat, ensuring a respectful and safe interaction for everyone involved.


Hiding Place

Cats seem to have an innate preference for warm, cozy nooks, which sometimes leads them to risky places like washing machines and dryers. Though these appliances may seem ideal from a feline perspective, they can be deadly traps. Pet safety experts caution that the enclosed, warm environment of a washing machine or dryer is particularly appealing to cats.


However, if you inadvertently start the machine without realizing your cat is inside, the consequences can be severe or even fatal. It’s crucial to double-check the interior before starting a load. Also, keep the doors to these appliances closed when not in use to prevent your furry friends from entering.


Lights Off

It’s a common misconception that cats are fully nocturnal and have impeccable night vision. Animal vision experts clarify that cats are primarily crepuscular, meaning they’re most active during dawn and dusk.


Although their eyes can capture approximately 50% more light than human eyes, they cannot see in pitch-black darkness. For this reason, it’s a good idea to leave a soft light on in rooms where your cat spends the night. This is not only comforting for your cat but also practical for you, reducing the chances of accidentally stepping on them.


Getting Bored

Cats may seem independent and even aloof, but they’re not immune to boredom. Many people think that cats are creatures of habit who prefer a static environment, but animal behaviorists suggest otherwise. For instance, experts has noted that a monotonous, unchanging home environment can lead to stress and boredom in cats.


New toys, interactive games, and even changes in feeding locations can add excitement to their daily routine, preventing behavioral issues and keeping their minds engaged.


Litterbox Drama

The task of cleaning a cat’s litterbox might not be a favorite among pet owners, but it’s essential for your cat’s health and happiness. Veterinary experts recommend having more than one litterbox, especially if you own multiple cats.


Cats can be territorial creatures, and some prefer having separate spaces for urination and defecation. Having multiple litterboxes can reduce stress and prevent territorial disputes, making for a happier household for both you and your cats.


Belly Rubs

While belly rubs are often appreciated by dogs, most cats are quite the opposite. Their bellies are sensitive and vulnerable areas, as pointed out by feline behavior experts. They note that the belly houses many vital organs, and cats are instinctively protective of it.


If a cat does allow you to rub its belly, take it as a sign of ultimate trust. However, each cat is unique, so it’s essential to learn your own pet’s preferences and respect their boundaries.


Playing With Yarn

The iconic image of a cat playing with a ball of yarn might be endearing, but veterinary professionals warn that it poses a serious risk. Cats are instinctual hunters, and a yarn ball can engage their predatory instincts.

Il Cascinone

However, the problem arises when they start to ingest it. Yarn can become a choking hazard and even get tangled in their digestive tract, leading to potentially life-threatening situations requiring surgical intervention. Therefore, it’s better to avoid yarn and opt for safer alternatives like soft rubber balls or interactive toys specifically designed for cats.


Scary Cucumbers

It’s amusing to watch videos of cats jumping in fright at the sight of a cucumber, but the underlying psychology is more complicated. Veterinarian Claudine Sievert suggests that the shape of the cucumber might resemble a snake, a natural predator for cats.

Irish Mirror

The innate survival instinct kicks in, prompting an exaggerated response. While funny to humans, this could cause unnecessary stress for your pet. Instead of scaring your feline friend, focus on games and toys that stimulate their minds positively.


Bowl of Milk

The conventional wisdom of giving cats a bowl of milk is, surprisingly, misguided. Nutritional experts point out that many adult cats are lactose intolerant, meaning they can’t properly digest lactose, the sugar found in milk.


Consumption of milk can lead to gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea and stomach cramps. If your cat is adequately hydrated and has a balanced diet, there’s no need to supplement it with milk. Instead, fresh water should always be made available to keep them healthy.


Declawing Outdoor Cats

Declawing a cat is a highly controversial practice and can deprive the animal of its primary means of defense, especially for those who spend time outdoors. Beyond self-defense, claws are also vital for climbing, hunting, and establishing territory.


Veterinary professionals often recommend alternative solutions like nail caps or scratching posts to mitigate destructive behavior. If your cat roams outside, having its claws intact could be a matter of life and death. Therefore, it’s imperative to keep them as nature intended for their safety and well-being.


Vet Hate

Most cats find visits to the veterinarian distressing due to a break in their routine and exposure to unfamiliar stimuli. The car ride, unfamiliar smells, and contact with other animals can all contribute to this stress.

Paws and Effect

However, routine vet visits are crucial for long-term health and shouldn’t be skipped. To make the experience more bearable, consider gradual desensitization techniques, like short car rides or mock vet visits, and always use a comfortable carrier.


No Shelter

For cat owners with a yard, the outdoor space provides a great opportunity for natural exercise and exploration. However, outdoor environments also present various risks like predators and adverse weather.

National Hardware

To ensure your cat’s safety, consider installing a shelter that shields it from the elements. A well-designed cat house can provide a sense of security and territorial ownership, which is essential for a cat’s mental well-being.


Feet Landing

The myth that cats always land on their feet has a basis in reality, thanks to their innate ‘righting reflex.’ However, this ability has its limitations and is influenced by the height from which a cat falls.

Excited Cats

Known as the ‘cat righting reflex,’ this phenomenon doesn’t guarantee a safe landing from significant heights. Falls from higher places can result in severe injuries or even paralysis. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that high windows and balconies are secure to prevent such accidents.


Crime and Punishment

Scolding or physically punishing a cat is not only ineffective but also detrimental to its trust in you. Cats don’t understand the concept of punishment and will simply associate the negative experience with you rather than their own actions.

Bond Vet

Instead, focus on positive reinforcement techniques like rewarding good behavior with treats or attention. For undesirable actions, such as scratching furniture, use diversion tactics like toys or dedicated scratching posts.


Dealing With Hairballs

While coughing up a hairball is a common occurrence for many cats, frequent episodes could indicate underlying health issues. Cats groom themselves regularly, but not all the ingested hair passes through the digestive system, forming hairballs.

Conscious Cat

However, if you notice frequent vomiting or gagging, consult your veterinarian. Persistent issues may indicate digestive problems that require medical intervention.


Dog Products

It may be tempting to use dog-specific products for your cat, especially if you have both pets. However, products designed for dogs may contain ingredients harmful to cats.

Grove Collaborative

Whether it’s food, shampoo, or flea medication, always check the label to ensure it’s safe for feline use. Consult your veterinarian for the best advice on products suitable for both types of pets.


Bell Collars

Ring-a-ding-ding! The iconic bell collar might seem like a quaint kitty accessory. However, its popularity is plummeting, and rightfully so. Let’s face it: cats are basically four-legged ninjas, and their sensitive ears don’t take kindly to incessant jingling.


Imagine hearing tiny bells every step you take; it’s enough to make anyone irritable. Especially if your cat tends to be on the shy side, equipping them with a bell is like tying a boat anchor to a racehorse. So, if you’re still ringing in this outdated fashion, it might be time to switch gears for your fur baby’s well-being.