Woman was asked to leave a restaurant because she was wearing a crop top

Woman was asked to leave a restaurant because she was wearing a crop top

It’s a huge treat for most people to be able to go out for a meal. Sure, some people get to go more often than others, but for many, it’s something to do to mark a special occasion. Naturally, when you go for a meal out, you want to dress to feel good… Perhaps put something on that you’re not used to wearing to make yourself feel a dash more confident, maybe even a little fierce. Of course, if you’re walking into a restaurant fully clothed, with a respectful attitude, and a willingness to pay, you don’t really expect to come across any issues. You certainly don’t expect to be asked to leave! Safe to say people had something to say about this.

Making it a special day

Getting people together for a family meal can be tough, not everyone’s schedule’s work together, but when you manage to make it work, you have to make sure it’s special. It doesn’t have to be going somewhere expensive, just making great memories with people you love.

Sueretta, her husband, her son, and a few friends decided they would all go for a meal to celebrate the little one’s birthday. It seemed simple enough; the kind of thing that surely couldn’t go wrong.


A reputable place to go

This family was just trying to keep things simple. After all, for them, they didn’t need anywhere fancy, just somewhere they could take their little boy and have a good time. That’s why Sueretta and her husband decided to go to the Golden Corral.

They knew they did good food, they were established, and they were reputable. They could also get all kinds of food, making it an easy place to take children. They went to the Golden Corral based in Erie, Pennsylvania, which seemed like a good decision at the time. However, Sueretta had no idea she was about to be totally embarrassed for something nowhere else would likely have blinked an eye at.


It had been a great day so far

Thankfully the family had an entire day of fun-filled happiness previously. It was actually their son, Aiden’s, birthday the day before, but as these things go, their friends weren’t available until the day after so they held their celebrations off.

However, it proved a good idea at the time. The group had all gone to the zoo and eaten at Chuck E. Cheese, and were soon about to embark on another yummy adventure to Golden Corral. It was a massive shame for the family that it had to end so badly. Hopefully, the incident won’t ruin the memory of the whole day.


Hungry from a full day of fun

The family had enjoyed a brilliant day, but fun is also tiring, and it makes you hungry! Sueretta made sure that her son and his friend had everything they needed. She had gone to get them some fruit and settled them in, everything was winding down.

Once they were fine, she decided it was now time for her to get some food for herself, after all, she deserved to sit down like everyone else, right? Well, it seems that the manager had something to say about that. For some reason, he seemed to feel as if Sueretta shouldn’t be there.