When this boy shared his Kool-Aid with the mailman, his mom couldn't believe what happened
As we go about our day we often don’t notice the little things around us, like the postman delivering the mail or the person bagging our groceries. There is a disconnect that happens where you’re busy glancing at your phone or your watch ready to move on to your next task. But children are different in this. They are inquisitive by nature and generally very kind because they have not yet grown up and seen how life can sometimes make one a little bit less kind.
For one mom, she had no idea that her son was performing selfless little acts of goodness until he received a letter one day. At first, she was suspicious, why would someone be sending a letter to her son who is only 5. As she read it, she knew that this was a moment that the world needed to know about. As soon as she posted a picture of the letter it went viral and the public outpouring of kindness was astounding. Here is a story sure to warm your heart and inspire you to do some of your own small acts of kindness.
Meet Adam
The son at the heart of this story is young Adam Houssami. He and his family had lived in Dearborn in the state of Michigan his entire life. Summers are very hot and winters are very cold.

Like any young child, a Kool-Aid stand seemed like a great way to make a couple of dollars to buy ice creams with. $0.50 seemed like a reasonable price to him and that is what he set his rate at for a cup of Kool-Aid.
Summer Heat
It was a rather hot day when Adam decided to put his table and chair out, along with his little sign for his Kool-Aid stand on the sidewalk in front of his home. He was really excited for people to walk by, stop and have a glass of his refreshing Kool-Aid. He had worked out his own little business plan and couldn’t wait to get started.
His plan was to hopefully make a lot of money or in kid terms enough to “hit the candy store with it.” Krista, his mom, was really proud of her boy and she didn’t see any problem in letting him do what he wanted to do. Encouraging him, she never could have known what was going to happen.
Everything seemed perfectly normal as Krista sat on her porch and watched Adam plying his Kool-Aid to passersby. Most people smile happily at Adam and gave him a few dollars for a cup of cold kool-aid on a hot summers day. So far, so good.
Things got a bit strange though when she had to pop inside her home to get her sunglasses. There weren’t many people walking up and down at this time so she thought it would be ok to take an eye of Adam for just a minute or two.
A Man In A Van
Krista had only turned her back for a second to get her glasses but as soon as she turned around she saw that a large van had pulled up next to Adam’s Kool-Aid stand. Krista felt the terror that every parent feels in that moment of their child being too far away from them to protect.

She immediately hustled out of the house and over to Adam to see what was going on. Of course, when you are a parent, the slightest change in circumstances around your children can be terrifying. So what was the van doing there? Had they noticed Adam on the sidewalk?