Bride reveals Groom’s infidelity by reading out his cheating texts at the altar

Bride reveals Groom’s infidelity by reading out his cheating texts at the altar

One bride was gearing up for the happiest day of her life when she discovered some truths about her husband-to-be that blew her mind. She found out he was cheating, but it was so close to the wedding she didn’t know what to do. A bride’s wedding day is meant to be the most special of her life, though this was anything but. It was memorable, but not for the reasons this woman would have been hoping for. This is how one bride found out about her cheating partner what she did next.

Getting ready

It was the night before Casey’s wedding, and she was super excited. Casey was in a very fancy hotel room, looking forward to the huge party she and her husband-to-be were going to throw. She had known for a long time that she and Alex were going to be very happy together and after dating for six years, now was the time for marriage.

Getting ready

Little did Casey know her heart was just about to break.

Excited faces

The women in the hotel with Casey that night were as excited about the following day as she was. Casey was spending her last night of unwed life with those closest to her, and she was having a great time. Her phone was buzzing as people were sending their best wishes and messages of excitement.

It wouldn’t be long before Casey got to see many of these people texting her face to face, but she wouldn’t be the glowing bride everyone was expecting. Some bad news was about to come Casey’s way thanks to that phone that kept on buzzing.

Knowing Alex was the one

After dating Alex for six years, Casey knew she had found ‘the one’ and that they were going to spend the rest of their lives happily married. She knew after meeting him all that time ago that he was the one for her and over the years their lives became intertwined. Casey and Alex’s families all knew each other, and they were just one big happy group of people.

Knowing Alex was the one

There were no signs that anything was wrong, and the couple seemed destined to live happily ever after. Once more Casey’s phone lit up, and she strolled over to it confidently.


Taking Casey by surprise

Casey had been receiving well wishes from all of her friends that evening. She was expecting to discover one more person who was happy for her when she picked up her phone, but that’s not what she saw.

Taking Casey by surprise

The mood in the room had been filled with excitement before Casey received her latest text, but shortly after it changed completely. There was a message that simply said, “I wouldn’t marry him. Would you?” This was very unexpected for Casey because as far as she knew Alex was great and there was no way anything would stop her from marrying him.