These celebrities’ shadiest reactions were caught on live tv

Being a celebrity might seem like the pros outweigh the cons. You get to go to fancy award shows, spend time on private yachts, and basically do whatever you want during your downtime since you can afford it. However, when it comes time to appear at awards shows that are live broadcast or sporting events we sometimes get to see the ‘real’ star shine through. Not all stars are good at hiding their reactions, especially when something upsetting happens and these times show that some stars are not all sugar, spice, and everything nice as they have led their fans to believe.

Sean Spicer Hits The Stage

Sean Spicer is a name that most Americans will recognize as he was once the press secretary for the current American President. He was also a person that was a feature on Saturday Night Live a number of times, and elements of his character were also chosen for the press secretary character in the HBO show Veep.
Sean Spicer Hits The Stage

That was why it was such a surprise for the women who often parody him when he walked into the spotlight during the Emmys back in 2017. The two actresses who regularly portrayed him had quite the reactions to his unannounced entrance.

Anna Chlumsky And Melissa McCarthy

Anna Chumlsky plays the press secretary on Veep and as soon as she saw Spicer she stood up with absolute shock and horror. Melissa McCarthy who parodies him on SNL had a much more subdued reaction and simply stared at him with disgust and her eyebrows moving well up her forehead into her hairline.
Anna Chlumsky And Melissa McCarthy

Both actresses and the rest of the audience were not thrilled to see him and even Stephen Colbert who was hosting the Emmys could not help but fail to address Spicer by his name instead of calling him Melissa McCarthy after her accurate portrayal of him. Spicer should probably have sat that awards show out.

Samuel L. Jackson And The Oscars

It is pretty undeniable that Samuel L. Jackson is one of the greatest actors of our time. He has been acting for over three decades and each film he stars in he brings something totally new to the screen.
Samuel L. Jackson And The Oscars

Back when he first started starring in Quentin Tarantino’s films he thought that he had finally given the performance of a lifetime in the film Pulp Fiction as the smooth-talking and philosophical hitman. It seemed like the Oscar would be his.


A Shock To The System

As Jackson waited patiently in his seat while the nominees were read he had a feeling that his name would be the one called to take the stage and accept the heavy gold statuette. Instead, Martin Landau won the 1995 Oscar for Best Supporting Actor.

Jackson’s response was to immediately yell an expletive when he heard he had not won. What’s even crazier is that he has still never taken the stage to accept an Oscar.