Crazy Inventions That Seem Useless But Are Actually Super Helpful

Crazy Inventions That Seem Useless But Are Actually Super Helpful

The world is full of innovative people who are just brimming with ideas. Some of these ideas turn into amazing products that we can’t live without like the iPod, while others are slightly less than inspiring. These inventors thought that they were going to make a lot of money when they released their inventions, but the reality has been something far different. They tried to solve everyday problems, like a way to eat food that smells bad without smelling it by wearing an apparatus. However, a lot of these supposedly great inventions are just plain silly both in practice and in how they look. Keep scrolling to see some of the funniest inventions of the decade.

The Liker

Instagram is one of those social media platforms that you can find yourself scrolling through for hours. Some profiles cover pretty much every topic under the sun, and you want to show your support for the pages that you do follow.

It can be time-consuming to like everything, and that is where the liker can help. It will like every Instagram photo for you. All you need to do is scroll, and it will like as you go.

Magic Hair

As some men age, they begin to lose their hair. This can just be some thinning, or it can be quite rapid. For some, this can be a cause of concern as their hair gives them a sense of security. Nobody wants to have their self-esteem lowered, even though the hair is not something that should give anyone a feeling of self-worth, as it is what’s inside that counts.


If hair loss does make a man uncomfortable, though, he can wear this visor that has a wig attached to it. It provides a full head of hair instantaneously. You just need to make sure you buy it in the right hair color to match your eyebrows so that it looks more natural.

The Privacy Hood

Nowadays, most people have a smartphone or tablet device that they pull out in public. It is hard to watch something discreetly on a subway or airplane, as everyone can see your screen. Some movies and television programs are not for all ages, and this is why a privacy hood might just be the answer to watching something privately on the way home from work.


It does look a bit like wearing a sock on your head, but at least you can watch the latest HBO show without worrying about offending anybody by what’s on the screen.


The Wine Glass Necklace

After a long day at work, some people like to sit down with a nice glass of wine and relax in front of the television. Having to pick up the wine glass can simply be too much, and that is where the wine glass necklace can help.


You simply string it around your neck and let the wine glass hang in it. Then, when you are ready to take a sip of the grapey good stuff, you can simply lift it up to your mouth, and then return it to the hanging position.  This invention may be on to something good, we are sure plenty of people would love these as gifts.