These Are the Dirtiest Places You Will Find in Your Home
It turns out that no matter how clean you are, and how much time you dedicate to cleaning your home, it is the most unexpected places that are the dirtiest. We interact with so many home items on a daily basis, and even though they might seem clean on the outside, they’re actually constantly collecting grime. The long list of items includes things such as the fridge’s doorknob, the kitchen sponge and even your personal purse. Here’s a list of the dirtiest places and items scattered around your home, that you would have never thought of.
The Coffee Machine
That daily morning coffee is what keeps many of us going. That is why so many households invest in a good coffee machine, be it a fancy one or just some delicious filter coffee. Either way, it brings joy and energy to take on a new day.
Unfortunately, though, it might also be one of the dirtiest items in the home, as it is prone to tons of microbes. The reason for this is that the water reservoir basically incubates thousands of germs that move in there and stay for a very long time. Many people don’t remember to do this, but in order to keep it clean, it needs to be removed once a month for a hot and soapy wash.
The Fridge Handle
It is a bit concerning that once of the things we touch the most in our home is one of the dirtiest places in the house. Especially something that is so strongly associated with the food we eat every day.
But apparently, tons of germs can live and thrive on the fridge’s handles for two days or more. That means that we touch them, and then touch the food we eat. So in order to avoid this, it is best to clean the refrigerator’s handle every now and then with a damp cloth mixed with a bit of dishwashing soap.
Wooden Cutting Boards
For those who love cooking, or those who cook almost on a daily basis, the cutting board is one of the most important items in the kitchen. It is there where we cut our vegetables, fruits and anything that needs to be cut.
For that reason, it is particularly important to clean it and wash it well every time we use it. While most of us wash it with water and dishwashing soap, or just put it in the dishwasher machine, in order to really clean it, cutting boards should be washed with vinegar so that they’re completely disinfected. Additionally, scrubbing it with baking soda and a lot of salt cleans it even better.
The Garbage Disposal
If not cleaned regularly, the garbage disposal can be pretty dirty and smelly. In fact, it is very common that garbage disposals develop bad odor when left without being cleaned for a while. The good thing is that it is a very easy place to clean.
The best and most affordable way of cleaning it is by pouring about half a cup of baking soda followed by some vinegar down the drain. After a couple of minutes, pour hot water down the drain and finish off with some ground lemon for that fresh smell, and the job is done.