Game of Thrones: Fan theories for season eight

Game of Thrones: Fan theories for season eight

The final season of Game of Thrones is finally here which means that all the questions viewers have had for years may finally be answered. At least we all hope they will be. With such a long hiatus between season 7 and season 8 fans have a had a lot of time to let their imaginations run rampant regarding theories on just what exactly is happening in Westeros. With so many threads on Reddit devoted to this exact topic, there has been a lot of fan speculation on what is going on. One of the most common theories being that Bran Stark is actually the Night King. But with so many other theories bouncing around on the internet, we have decided that it is time to compile the most compelling ones.
Take a look at the top 22 fan theories associated with all of your favorite characters. From Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow’s unique family ties to certain prophecies that foretold of who would actually rule it is amazing what some fans have concocted up to answer these very pressing questions. But we all know we just want the answer to this one: who will end up on the Iron Throne?

A Wight Family

The teaser trailer for the final season had Arya running through the Winterfell crypt-like she was being chased by something. The Night King has the power to bring back anyone who has died as a Wight, so some fans thought he might decide to raise the deceased members of the Stark family to attack the living Starks from within.

This would be an excellent way for the Wights to then enter Winterfell from within and not have to lay siege for too long.


Jon Snow AKA Aegon Targaryen

Season 7 told the audience that Jon Snow was indeed Aegon Targaryen, son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark which means he has a direct link to the Iron Throne as an heir. However, besides the record that Sam found of the wedding, there is little actual evidence showing that, besides the fact that he too can also ride dragons.

There does seem like there may be something in Lyanna’s grave though as Robert Baratheon left a feather on it back in season one, and this feather continues to be shown which indicates that it may be a marker of some sort. What could possibly be inside her crypt that proves Jon is a Targaryen?


The Mad Queen

As a descendant of Aerys II Targaryen who went down in history as the Mad King, Dany has the potential to follow in her father’s footsteps. He was known for using his dragons to breathe fire on anybody who did not bend to his will, and it seems like Dany is starting to employ this method as well.

Sam Tarly’s father and brother were subjects to this form of wrath at the hands of Dany when they did not recognize her as their Queen. She herself might already be descending into madness which would make her a volatile character that the other heir may have to deal with.


A Noble Sacrifice

The prophecy that speaks of the Prince or Princess who is promised can actually refer to Jon or Dany which has led to a lot of fan confusion. Missandei was the one that drew attention to the fact that the prophecy from Azor Ahai does not specify a gender.
A Noble Sacrifice

Therefore, it is thought that Jon may decide to martyr himself so that Dany can save everyone from an outside threat, including the threat posed by him as a direct descendant of her brother which gives him a very clear link to the throne she so desperately wants.