“I Just Knew”: Stories of Remarkable Gut Instincts Paying Off

Have you ever been gripped by an unshakable sense that you should change course, even if you can’t explain why? Maybe you opted to take an alternative route to your office, only to later find out that you narrowly dodged a traffic jam or, worse, an accident. Or perhaps you had a strong feeling that led you to make a last-minute decision that ended up being incredibly fortuitous. These moments of piercing intuition are uncanny yet awe-inspiring, often swooping in at the eleventh hour to steer us clear of disaster.

In the following riveting accounts, we’ll delve into astonishing tales where gut instincts manifested as a hidden guardian angel. From choosing not to be present during a tragedy to an inexplicable urge to fasten one’s seatbelt, these moments of intense intuition didn’t just make a difference—they were game-changers. Buckle up as we explore the mysterious yet undeniable power of gut feelings and how they’ve led people to incredible acts of foresight, courage, and even survival.

#1: Something Feels Fishy

This account gives me pause – were the muggers already lying in wait? If so, this seems less an act of intuition than mere observation. One can often detect ill intent in others, and if they planned to rob the whole party, it would likely have been evident.


Still, how violent was the crime itself? Did they ransack purses and pockets with nary a thought, or were weapons involved, eliciting true terror? The outcome may be identical, yet the manner matters greatly! A brazen robbery is one thing; being held at gunpoint is quite another.

#2: Supernatural Powers

An intriguing notion – perhaps children’s tears and tantrums stem from an innate sense of impending doom? Should we be more attentive when kids cry out? Unlikely, and here it was probably just a random premonition.


Around age five, this person narrowly avoided a car accident involving his mother and sister. He refused to join them for unclear reasons, traveling separately, thereby dodging calamity. Thankfully, all were unharmed, allowing him to retrospectively marvel at this supernatural intervention.

#3: The Stereotypical White Van

A chilling recollection from elementary school illuminates children’s simultaneous naivety and uncanny perception. Though trusting, kids observe their surroundings closely, remaining inquisitive and intuitive. One recess, a sinister mood disturbed this student’s usual play.


Of course, being only eight, he dismissed the feeling and carried on. But he was right to be apprehensive – a predator lurked outside seeking victims. Children possess an innate curiosity about the world while also boasting instincts we too often underestimate.


#4: Don’t Buy the Haunted House

Laughing now, she once genuinely feared a haunting, but both could be true! Perhaps some entity tried warning her away, advice the second owners failed to heed, leading to a lifetime of regret.


When house hunting, seeing numerous options in person is ideal. We toured over thirty houses, many nice but with an inexplicable pall. Upon entering our home, however, we knew immediately. It felt like coming home! We began paperwork that very night and have never once doubted our decision.


#5: Ice, Ice, Baby

Driving on icy roads demands ample caution – lack thereof can prove fatal. This driver’s ample experience navigating frozen surfaces and an intuitive feel for his car’s temperament enabled swift response to impending breakdown.


Pulling over mere moments before crashing saved their lives. With passengers relying on you, better safe than sorry. I, too, drive gingerly on ice, waiting until crosswalk signals flash and cars fully halt before proceeding. You never know what drivers lurk about.


#6: A True Hero

When kids approach roads, my vigilance spikes – despite reasonable street smarts by seven or eight, their ability to detect oncoming vehicles remains limited. Not that a child can’t cross alone at that age, but I stay alert nonetheless. Reassuringly, I’m not alone!


Hopefully, this child now takes extra care before stepping into the street. Drivers frequently overlook pedestrians, kids especially, and this likely wasn’t a crosswalk. I refuse to cross until lights flash and cars stop completely – you never know who’s behind the wheel.


#7: Nature Talks

Less a hunch than a primal response to peril – when the busy hum of insects and birds abruptly silences, exit immediately! Massive predators trigger this reaction.


I experienced it myself when a baby bear was nearby. The cub wasn’t the case – where there’s a cute fluffy baby, mama lurks close by. My husband insisted we slowly and calmly depart, and sure enough, mama soon lumbered into view after her baby had passed.


#8: Always Wear Your Seatbelt

Some see seatbelts as unnecessary, but they are proven life-savers in crashes. Unsure what finally prompted buckling up, but better late than never for this enlightening lesson.


I’m zealous about seatbelt use, spending ages roadside refusing to drive until my children are secured. A few tried sneakily unfastening underway, so I made them watch footage of the horrific aftermath when ejected sans seatbelt. That permanently corrected their behavior.


#9: Grandad Saved the Day

Losing his whole family unconscious at home must have been horrifying. Had they been asleep in bed, he may have thought nothing unusual.


This demonstrates why functioning fire and carbon monoxide detectors are essential. Annually, over 400 people die, and 50,000 visit ERs for accidental home carbon monoxide poisoning – an invisible threat!


#10: Another Titanic Tragedy

A catastrophic implosion tragically claimed the lives of all aboard a submersible craft surveying the wreckage of the Titanic. In a twist of fate, Portuguese cruise CEO Mario Ferreira had the chance to join the ill-fated voyage but demurred.


Surely feeling adventurous given his industry, something inexplicable held Ferreira back, sparing him disaster. The events underscore life’s unpredictability and the fine line separating adventure from calamity.


#11: The Kindness of a Stranger

When despairing, advice from loved ones can feel obligatory. Kind words from an empathetic stranger who overcame similar struggles can resonate more profoundly.


I’m heartened they stay in touch. This exemplifies human connection’s power – with one conversation, you can impact others significantly through occasionally checking in.


#12 A Night Out Gone Terribly Wrong

Sometimes, our gut feelings resonate louder than any spoken words, taking on an eerie prescience that defies logical explanation. Such was the case for a person who couldn’t shake off an uncanny sense of foreboding concerning their ex-best friend’s night out. “On what seemed like an ordinary evening, this friend had planned a date, a rendezvous meant to be the beginning of something new. Yet, something felt off.”


“I was unable to pinpoint the source of my anxiety, and I was plagued by an overwhelming thought: ‘I have a bad feeling about this.’ It was as if a shadow had passed over, casting a dark pall on what should’ve been a joyous occasion.” The following morning, the harrowing truth emerged, chilling them to the bone. “My ex-best friend murdered his date after a night out.” The news was a gut-wrenching confirmation of their worst fears.


#13: That’s What I’m Talking About

With no cars stopped, someone could always run the light – thus the value of hesitation before crossing. I once saw a driver eight cars back pull the wrong way and breeze through red! Hopefully, this driver got ticketed.


This intuition saved a life – few heed the inner voice urging patience. They dismiss it as silly. This proves listening to your instincts is vital, whatever they say.


#14: Big Sister to the Rescue

Young kids near pools terrify me. If the sister was five, how little was the other? All pools should have childproof fencing, not just backyard barriers. Disaster only requires a split second. Thank goodness she followed and rescued her sibling – tragedy narrowly averted.


Please properly secure any pool. We thought covering ours was enough. But small kids can’t escape covered pools, making them more hazardous.


#15: A Condo Catastrophe

Lilithy and her family were looking forward to spending a week in a rented condo near the beach. They had booked it online and paid a hefty deposit. However, when they arrived, they found the place in a horrible condition: moldy walls, broken furniture, filthy carpets, and a foul smell. Lilithy felt a surge of anger and disgust and decided to call the owner to demand a refund. However, the owner was rude and refused to cooperate. He claimed that they had damaged the property and threatened to sue them.


Lilithy realized that she had been scammed and that the online photos were fake. She quickly gathered her husband, daughter, and dog and left the condo. She reported the incident to the police and the rental website but never got her money back. She learned a hard lesson: always trust your gut when something seems too good to be true.


#16 The Silent Alarm

The story captures a tense moment where a person’s gut feeling and their cat’s alert behavior were signs of an unseen danger. The quiet of the night was broken not by noise, but by a strong feeling that something was wrong. Acting on this instinct, the person got up, their actions possibly preventing a break-in. The next morning revealed the truth: their gut was right.


This incident highlights how deeply our instincts are woven into our survival, often working hand in hand with the natural vigilance of our pets. It’s a real-life example of an unspoken bond and an intuitive alarm that requires no sound to be heard.


#17. When Instincts Take the Spotlight

It was a night in the late ’80s, and the clock struck 2 a.m. as I made my way home through the city’s “Gay Village.” On the opposite side of the street, I spotted a striking figure—Bibi, a fabulous drag queen, elegantly adorned in her stage attire. She was walking alone, but not quite; trailing behind her were six intoxicated guys whose vibes screamed “bad news.” It was one of those moments where my gut instincts screamed at me. Something was unsettling “off” about the situation. I crossed the street, approached Bibi, and introduced myself. “Hi, my name is Flamingwhisk, and I’m walking you home,” I declared.


We linked arms and made our grand exit, all while the six guys behind us hurled obnoxious comments and veiled threats. The next day, news broke of several hate crimes in the same area. It was a haunting realization that confirmed my instinct—something had indeed been gravely wrong that night. But out of this eerie encounter sprouted an enduring friendship. Bibi became one of my closest friends for 25 years until her unfortunate passing. My dad, a no-nonsense Italian man and a musician with late hours, became enamored with her spirit. Bibi wasn’t just a friend to me; she became an extended member of our family. When my dad fell ill, she was right there, helping my mom with his care.


#18: Superhero Mom

I joke moms gain superpowers – stories like these prove it true! Many would dismiss her concern, but she was right. Over 350 kids drown yearly in backyard pools.


I was surprised this daycare even had a pool – none here do, likely due to insane insurance costs. Hopefully, she informed the other parents and secured the pool before departing! Doubt she just grabbed her kid while leaving the others at risk.


#19: Saved by the Ring

Despite rough exteriors, siblings care. Though generally harsh, this brother clearly worried enough to call when needed. Hearing from those doling out tough love can give pause for thought.


Hope she got therapy. Life has dark seasons, but they pass. If you are struggling, don’t be afraid to reach out – you have more support than you realized. Even estranged family can provide a lifeline.


#20: Misbehavior for the Win

As a mom, I’d lose it if my kid unbuckled and climbed around the car! Thus, I don’t allow front seats until at least age ten. This mom likely went from mad to horrified in seconds!


Please keep littles out of front seats – weight laws exist for good reason. If your vehicle only has front seats, ensure the car seat is secure and the airbag off!


#21: Saved by Intuition

Despite dabbling in legally dubious activities, this person had honed profound instinctual wisdom, their sixth sense becoming an inner beacon. Once again, it proved prescient, delivering salvation. Though previously riding with this friend without concern, an inexplicable unease now clouded their perception.


Recognizing their intuition’s importance, they refused and tried convincing their friend, to no avail. Tragically dismissing the warnings, he proceeded on his fated ride alone. The disaster was averted by wholly trusting in their instincts and steadfastly prioritizing safety.


#22: That’s Creepy

For the unaware, BTK was the infamous serial killer Dennis Rader, claiming ten confirmed victims from 1974 to 1991, taunting cops and media through letters.


Oddly, his homicidal spree began shortly after his 1971 marriage, finally ending with his 2005 capture and subsequent divorce – understandable given the horrifying revelations! Imagine discovering your spouse or acquaintance was secretly a notorious serial killer for decades.


#23: Moms Have Superpowers

Considering the numerous accounts of maternal heroics here, I’m starting to believe moms really do have superpowers. Some families interact daily, others go months without contact – both are fine if everyone’s happy.


This mother and daughter didn’t talk often, yet one night, she felt compelled to call just because. The timing was astonishing – earlier, her suicidal daughter had attempted to take her own life. Mothers and children share unexplainable yet profound connections.


#24: Always Follow Your Gut

Seeing two people lying on the roadside, most would stop to help. But sensing something amiss about the prone pair, this driver’s instincts said to keep going and call the police instead.


Driving past, he witnessed them rising as several others emerged from the bushes – foiling some nefarious plot, be it kidnapping, robbery, or worse. In hindsight, it seemed an obvious scam, yet others may have fallen for it.


#25: Say No to This Ride

Though outwardly friendly and polite, this woman’s keen intuition sensed the man was not all he appeared, despite his regular cordial encounters with her family. Her pivotal decision came when he offered her young daughter a ride – prompting fierce protective action.


Forbidding her child from accepting, without fully grasping why, demonstrated commitment to safety first. The subsequent violent crimes justified her right, fully trusting her instinct and averting unthinkable tragedy.


#26: Avoiding the Unknown

Intuition can silently steer us from unseen hazards, even if we lack concrete reasoning. Despite her boyfriend’s repeated insistence on attending a party at one individual’s home, her intuition screamed stay away.


Trusting this inner voice, she refused the invitation, avoiding the unknown perils lurking within. Our subconscious minds can sense subtle clues and process information, guiding us down safer paths.


#27: Keep an Eye Out

Unsure if unease stemmed from the unlocked office or taking his son along, but either way, it was fortuitous, saving the boy’s life. Accompanying his father would have ended in tragedy. Pausing for coffee might have prevented the whole wreck.


There is no use dwelling on “what-ifs,” though. The car was replaceable, and he responsibly secured the office and completed the payment drop-off. Given the on-site accident, they’d surely understand any delay.


#28: Stranger Danger

As children, we’re warned against engaging with strangers, but it’s easier said than done. Kids can be naive and trusting, easily misled. This woman recalls as a girl having strong instincts; something wasn’t right.


When strangers offered toys and candy to lure her into their van, she got a “tummy ache,” She realized as intuition, sensing danger. Thankfully, her dad was present, allowing her to flee to safety. Tragically, she later learned other children weren’t so lucky.


#29: Road Safety

Call me dull, but motorcycles seem crazy dangerous! Exposed on highways amid swirling traffic in mere t-shirts – how do riders do it? Regardless, this experienced motorcyclist got an ominous feeling mid-ride.


Trusting his gut saved their lives, swerving to avoid calamity. Years of riding likely honed his ability to recognize perils and listen to intuition.


#30: Not Much of a Party

Some people are naturally suspicious, others overly trusting – both have pros and cons. Though reluctant from the start, these two still attended a friend’s party. Sensing things were off upon arriving, they wisely fled.


Turns out their instincts were right – it was a scam, and their friend got robbed. While trust benefits you from meeting new people, suspicion also has value in avoiding potentially dangerous situations.


#31: Stick Together

This story’s ending lacks closure – what happened to the friends? Did they survive? A drunk driver hit their car without mentioning they were hurt.


Assuming injuries weren’t severe since it was shared. Is the takeaway always listen when friends have “bad feelings”? There is no way to know if they actually sensed danger or just wanted to relax.


#32: Runaround Sue

Finding your soulmate can be challenging – some meet in high school, others wait forever. But you’ll feel in your gut when it’s right.


Your gut also tells you when it’s wrong. This guy realized after breaking up that she was all wrong for him – bullet dodged! Intuition guides us to or away from potential partners.


#33: Don’t Go There

Traveling abroad following your instincts is key. Getting lost far from home can leave you disoriented. By taking a taxi over the metro, this woman avoided disaster – remarkable!


We often dismiss gut feelings, lacking self-trust. But intuition may know best. Heeding instincts while traveling in unfamiliar territory can quite literally save your life.


#34: Yikes

The extra bullet’s weight possibly triggered the kid’s unease. The gun would have felt off. While some criticized a 12-year-old at a shooting range, I prefer kids learning proper weapon usage.


Firearm owners should have mandatory range time with professionals annually. If you own something so lethal, learn to use it appropriately! Twelve is old enough, and this dad acted responsibly.


#35: Mom Knows Best

We know moms know best – this one had an eerie sense of impending tragedy. There was no way she actually knew, yet she still saved her family by trusting intuition and changing plans.


I think we all have traces of premonition. Their time hadn’t come, and she got a glimpse of insight, ensuring they didn’t perish. They must frequently reminisce about it and heed her “feelings” now!


#36: Something Feels Off

In nature’s unpredictability, trusting your camping instincts can save your life. Sunny mornings can end in storms. This camper’s story proves that point!


The weather just felt “off” – no tornado expected, but something amiss. Rather than dismiss it, they packed up and left. Other camping trips would come along. Never ignore subtle signs.


#37: A Mother’s Instincts

Even before birth, mothers have potent intuition – pregnancy grants supernatural perception. Doctors are human – incorrect at times. So, second-guess them by listening closely.


This mom may have lost her child and her own life without insisting something was wrong. Thankfully, the doctors listened, acting on her intuition. Always trust strong feelings if something is off.


#38: Don’t Trust People on Craigslist

Craigslist attracts unpredictable people, so scams abound. But this seller smelled trouble, providing only approximate coordinates, then blocking the sketchy buyer – crisis averted!


Online, be very cautious with personal details around strangers. Unless completely convinced of someone’s trustworthiness, limit what you share. Listening to his instinct prevented robbery.


#39: Barbershop Madness

This opens like a thriller – a mundane errand delayed by dark premonition, narrowly avoiding becoming a victim. If someone could piece them together, the clues would be there before the murderer strikes again!


In the movie, he’s the sole witness who holds vital clues to stop the killer from targeting him next. Has this plotline been done yet? Either way, tuning into subtleties can reveal underlying dangers.


#40: A Pregnant Woman’s Intuition

Pregnancy intuition is famed – growing life grants women a sixth sense. Nurturing a baby bonds mothers spiritually to their children. Sensing impending danger, this mom intuitively knew to trust herself over doctors.


Despite disregard, she persistently advocated for saving her daughter. However, seemingly “crazy” pregnant women possess special wisdom – an extra sense not to be dismissed.


#41: Good for You

All that effort just for a useless juice box and unneeded pills – hopefully, this teaches him not to steal a woman’s purse again. Us ladies tend to keep valuables elsewhere, intuiting that thieves often grab bags.


Though spotting him casing her for a mere 20 seconds was a bit sloppy – wouldn’t he have noticed her moving the purse’s contents? Perhaps he assumed she was just placing items back inside. Regardless, it’s excellent that she acted quickly on instinct and managed to retain all her belongings. That sense of victory must have felt fantastic.


#42: Mothers Really Are Superheroes

This is another tale proving maternal intuition’s power – even baffling doctors and scientists. Moms somehow know when distant children are endangered; it’s remarkable.


Surviving and saving her child was miraculous – one minute spelled totally different outcomes. When mom says something, believe it – she may glimpse the future!


#43: Trust Your Spouse

Not just moms are intuitive – husbands, too! Longtime partners grow more spiritually attuned; hence, all the stories of wives and husbands unconsciously save each other. Makes you wonder about couples nearing divorce…


Things likely would have gone differently if her husband had not noted the ice. She smartly trusted both him and herself! More vital than others is trusting your own gut.


#44: Managers for the Win

We’ve all been tempted to disregard instructions from authority figures at times. Still, here, even the brief moment it took for the manager to advise against going outside likely saved this employee’s life. I bet the manager sent them home for the rest of the day after an incident like that! Honestly, I probably would have rolled my eyes at the warning as well and proceeded outside anyway.


This makes me think I should try being more receptive when others around me share concerns, even if my own intuition isn’t sounding alarms. Now, after such a close call, I’d feel compelled to buy that manager their favorite coffee every day for a week out of sheer gratitude! Just goes to show sometimes it really pays to listen to the wisdom of others.


#45: Eerie Silence

Like the rainforest hiker, the silence probably spooked this kid, prompting him to leave. But cougars rarely attack people – more decide to flee at human approach.


In fact, just 20 cougar fatalities in the last 100 years, while 40,000 annual ER trips result from human bites! Your peers are statistically more hazardous than cougars, but I’d still avoid them in the woods.


#46: I Bet It Was Warm

Another subconscious alarm – the seat was surely hot, the danger slowly dawning. If they hadn’t listened, this would have been an absurd 1,001 Ways To Die episode.


Around electricity after failures, take extreme care. Wait for professionals before touching anything. Over 400 annual electrocution deaths – heed those instincts!


#47: Brother to the Rescue

In Phoenix, that’s a 13-hour drive – genuine sibling bonds compelled him home just in time to rush her to the hospital. The stuff of legends!


Perhaps her injury itself was the life lesson she required to avoid future recklessness. Without that, who knows what she might have tried jumping off of later! Sometimes, you must learn the hard way.


#48: Some Fears Are Good

Don’t let this deter rollercoasters – most are perfectly safe, though occasional lap bar failures occur. While all survived here, headline-grabbing fatalities have happened recently.


Thus, attendants check the cars – but even one death annually is too many! No shoulder harnesses and buckles? Count me out. I’m not big on heights anyway – just certain coasters for me!


#49: Trust Your Gut

Our brains see more than we know – she possibly noticed subtle oddities about her dad, with unease following. Happens often – you sense something off but can’t pinpoint it for minutes.


Thankfully, she saved him – at her mother’s funeral years later, he movingly thanked her for it. Sad, he then watched his wife pass, but such is life’s strangeness. Always trust vague feelings. Something’s amiss.


#50: That “Being Watched” Feeling

We’ve all experienced that unnerving “being watched” sensation at some point, whether in shadowy alleys, deserted areas, or even bustling crowds. This hiker was overcome with that feeling of unseen eyes tracking them on an empty trail. Although neither seeing nor hearing anyone else around, they cautiously opted to turn back, possibly feeling rather foolish. But later that night, they saw a news report of a dangerous mountain lion prowling that very same trail, hunting for prey.


Perhaps it was more than idle paranoia after all – somehow, on a subconscious level, they sensed the nearby predator’s presence. Intuition works in mysterious ways we don’t fully comprehend. But when in doubt, it’s best to trust that creeping feeling for your own safety rather than disregard it and risk calamity.


#51: Some People Give Off Bad Vibes

Many share stories of intuitively sensing menace in outwardly benign people – often, the most upstanding in appearance harbor the worst intentions, evading suspicion.


Kudos to these parents for heeding their child and allowing her to quit. Most would dismiss it, insisting she finish the lessons. The guilt of being victimized after ignoring such warnings doesn’t bear thinking about. Trust instincts about those “bad vibes” – appearance deceives.


#52: That Poor Puppy

I’ll guess the midnight noises usually included a snoring pup. Even slightly altered routine sounds can rouse investigation – we subconsciously notice discrepancies.


That pup wouldn’t have survived the freezing night if not for the owner’s timely awakening and rescue. Too cold for you, too cold for dogs! Thankfully, she knows that now – clearly, the roommates were irresponsible. Wise to move out after such carelessness.


#53: Final Destination

Shocking, they exited the car in torrential rain – an intense gut feeling indeed! It is safer to stay put generally, but on precarious mountain roads, who knows? I’d be petrified in similar conditions on a congested pass – easy to envision catastrophic landslides.


For years, I’d have nightmares about boulder-sized rocks careening down, clutching the wheel in indecision about braking or accelerating. Not a pleasant state of perpetual hypervigilance! But perhaps it is a useful survival instinct after living through such a close call.


#54: Online Dating is Risky

We’re aware of online dating’s risks. Yet, it can also yield great results, like trusting your instinct to avoid meeting someone dangerous. A single canceled date prompting such volatility was clearly an enormous red flag – even if there was no kidnapper, this man seemed hazardous.


I’m thankful for meeting people organically before dating them. You never know someone’s true nature from a profile. Friends have shown up finding their date thoroughly misrepresented. Yet some online connections blossom into beautiful relationships – but it is indeed risky.


#55: Maybe Guardian Angels Are Real

Even staunch skeptics of the supernatural may reconsider after so many near-miss stories of changed travel plans averting tragedy. Call it intuition, angels, or just luck – but higher forces sometimes intervene.


Through fate or heavenly guardians, these siblings narrowly avoided doom. Every decision charts different courses through life – gratitude and fulfillment come from appreciating each day’s blessings and unknown dangers narrowly evaded.


#56: Grandma Was a Miracle Patient

Grandmothers hold special wisdom, guiding us with care and pampering parentally denied. We fully appreciate their importance only upon losing them, so show gratitude always.


Despite callous societal disregard for the aged, this caring granddaughter’s attentiveness proved life-saving despite just a 1% survival prognosis. Never underestimate the remarkable resilience found in older loved ones – they have much left to teach us.


#57: Fateful Titanic Escape

The Titanic’s legend profoundly impacted one family. A great-great-grandmother aboard the fated ship eagerly anticipated adventure and a proposal from her beau. But her brother’s discerning friend, sensing impending doom, urged trusting her instincts.


Her boyfriend’s dreams disappeared below the frigid waves as the ship sank. Yet, she found true love in the consoling arms of the friend who saved her. Heeding his warning spared her life, guiding her toward happiness. Even in immense tragedy, silver linings emerge.


#58: A Lucky Parking Decision

Despite exhaustion, this woman listened to her misgivings, parking in the driveway instead of the designated back area. Unbeknownst to her, this choice would prove invaluable.


Sometimes, instinct guides us for reasons beyond logic. She avoided the misfortune that befell her neighbor’s car by attentively heeding her intuition and daring to break the routine. Fortune truly smiled upon her that night.


#59: Dream Job

Whether a gut feeling gave pause is unclear – without the job, she’d likely still relocate and make do. At double the pay, she could quickly save to bridge employment gaps.


This seems a retrospective justification for rejecting adventure. She might have found true love and career fulfillment by taking the leap. Change brings trepidation yet can prove rewarding. Still, she feels it was right, which matters most.


#60: Listen to Your Wife

Never leave valuables in the car, and heed your wife’s advice. It’s safer to play it safe than be sorry. Retrieving items surely required less effort than arguing.


It recalls the maxim, “Would you rather be happy or right?” Applying this philosophy smoothes marital friction. Caveat: She must be reasonably bright, lest you agree to foolishness.