The Incredible Story Of How One Man Survived 438 Days Lost At Sea

People can do some extraordinary things when their survival instincts kick in. Here is the awe-inspiring story behind one man who survived 438 days lost at sea…

An Ocean Lover

José Salvador Alvarenga was an avid and experienced fisherman and sailor. He felt at home in the great waters. The 35 year old El Salvador native was always looking to the seas for his next adventure.


The Sea Calls

In November 2012, Alvarenga, began planing a small fishing trip with his friend and frequent fishing companion Ray Perez. The two men were scheduled to leave from a local village called Costa Azul, resting off the coast of Chiapas, Mexico.


The Prepararion

The two men prepared their 24 foot-long boat. They also equipped it with an icebox made of fiberglass to store the caught fish in. They checked for leaks in the boat’s bottom and made sure that the boat’s single motor was in working order. Soon, they were ready to take to the seas.



Change of Plans

At the very last minute, Perez had to back out of the fishing trip. Alvarenga was still eager to go out to sea and soon decided he would find another fisherman to accompany him. At such short notice, it would be difficult to find someone prepared to take to the ocean in mere hours.