Some of the Strangest World Records Ever Set

Some of the Strangest World Records Ever Set

World records are usually awarded for the best and biggest things or events around the globe.  However, not all world records are created equal and while some are infinitely impressive, others are just downright weird. It’s these unusual records that many people don’t know about. From strange mass gatherings to the longest fingernails, these world records are pretty unusual. Keep scrolling to see a list of some of the most bizarre world records people have ever fought break.

Clown car

It couldn’t have possibly been a comfortable situation for anyone involved but, on May 26, 2015, a team of Russian students toppled the towering record for most people ever stuffed into a single car.

The crazy kids were able to slam a whopping 41 people into a single motor vehicle, thus shattering the old record of 40 people. It probably would have been completely impossible to put the overburdened car into gear, but a noteworthy feat none the less.


A real nail biter

It took her nearly two decades of her life to gain the designation but, Chris “The Dutchess” Walton boasts the longest nails in the world, as certified by the Guinness Book of World Records.

Her nails come in at a staggering 10 feet two inches on the left side, and nine feet seven inches on the right side. Imagine what it would feel like to get your back scratched by her ridiculously long nails, though.


One leg at a time

While we are on the subject of huge pieces of clothing, on October 30, 2008, a group of Peruvian seamstresses decided to make what would effectively be the world’s largest pair of jeans.

The jeans came complete with pockets, and a belt, and stood an astounding 131 feet tall, they were 98 feet wide, and they tipped the scales at an ungodly two-tons. It took more than 4,000 pounds of denim to make this wild feat possible.


Pillow rumble

It’s kind of hard to believe that this a record that anyone actually wanted to covet, but covet it they did. And yes, they also succeeded in breaking this record, too! On October 27, 2013, thousands of people grabbed their feathery weapon and took to the streets to pummel their neighbors in hopes of devastating a long-standing pillow fighting record.

They came away with the achievement and also made for one of the most fun evenings in recorded history.