These resignation letters were heard loud and clear

Unless you’re fortunate enough to win the lottery or somehow come into a lot of money, you’ll likely spend most of your life working. That can be pretty depressing to think about, especially when you consider how many years that probably covers. However, if you have a job that you love, it’s not the end of the world. After all, while you might still have bad days, at least you’re doing something that makes you happy. That’s what these people thought, which is why they decided to hand in their resignation and get a new job. Of course, they didn’t just give in any old letter when they quit. These employees all decided to get creative, and the results are hilarious.

Mic drop

Nowadays, whenever someone wants to punctuate what they’re saying with some sass, they drop the mic and walk away. Unfortunately, you can’t really do that when you’re writing a resignation letter, although this person did their best.

In place of a real mic drop, she drew a picture of it, along with the revelation that she was leaving in two weeks. We hope her boss was impressed by the way she decided to resign because we certainly are.

Not bothered

It seems this employee was pushed to the absolute extreme since he ended up committing a crime when it came to resigning.  Spraying graffiti all over his boss’ car, with the words “I quit” were heard loud and clear.

The spray-painted words were written all over the car, with some much worse than others. We wouldn’t have liked to have been this guy when he rocked up to get into his car – and it must have cost some money too. Ouch!


When this employee was sent an email from his boss stating that he had been given a warning for his behavior, he decided that the only thing to do was quit. Replying to the email, he made several points that we’re sure his boss never expected.


“that time I covered for your girlfriend when she had an emergency? Totally selfish of me. And let’s not forget the fact that I only called out sick two times in the past 4 years… how inconsistent of me!” – It seems this boss lost a good employee here.


Check your stock

If you’re in the market for a new oven, you might want to check the label before making any purchases. It’s possible that a scorned employee may have left their boss a scathing resignation letter on it rather than the usual details. It’s certainly an inventive way to go about quitting, although it’s not necessarily super effective.


Imagine if no-one had shown any interest in this infrared oven that day. People would have wondered why the worker didn’t show up for their next shift, unaware that they’d already quit. We’re sure someone would have come across the resignation letter eventually though.