Separated during WWII, these brothers finally reunite after 74 years

Separated during WWII, these brothers finally reunite after 74 years

War is something that is a reality for many people all over the world. World War II was particularly brutal and affected millions of people around the world, all with their own horrifying stories. But instead of dwelling on the atrocities of this war, this story of two Polish brothers who found themselves in a most unexpected manner is one of hope and joy.
World War II saw many families separated and displaced. For one family, it meant that there was the kind of separation which can affect one on a profound level. The brothers at the heart of this story had a tragic beginning but as luck would have it, fate was smiling on them and they were able to reconnect decades later. When they both entered the world, they could not have known the journey they would go on before finding each other again. A separation like this is hard but with the help of the Red Cross, the story behind how these two long lost brothers came into the world allowed them to find each other once more, even if it meant crossing an ocean to do so.

The Twins

This story begins with Polish brothers Lucien and George. As you look at them side by side it would appear that they are quite similar and that they even have the same posture and body language which would make you think that they grew up together.

Sadly, this was not the case and both brothers were estranged for many years before they managed to reconnect in the most surprising of ways. It would seem that nature was at play here not nurture.


A Shock

These two brothers who are so similar did not actually know that the other existed until a surprising source informed them of one another’s existence. It was not until 2015 that Lucien and George both learned that they had a twin that they had been cruelly separated from at the end of World War II.

They got to meet each other that same year when Lucien made the trip to Poland’s capital Warsaw to finally meet his long lost twin. It was a moment both of them had been eagerly anticipating since they both found out about each other. The excitement was palpable as they waited to lay eyes on one another.


Their Mother

Their birth mother had not had an easy time during the war. She had spent the duration of her time in Germany at one of the camps where she was a laborer. Her life was extremely difficult and when she found herself pregnant with the twins she was worried about what would happen to them and herself when they were born.

She did not want them to experience the horrors of World War II. But she did not know what would happen when she finally gave birth to her twin boys and the lives they would lead. Would they end up growing up in the camp and be put to work when they were old enough?


The End Of WWII

Lucien and George’s mother could not have known this but the war was actually coming to a close which meant she and the other camp inmates would be free soon. As she entered the midway point in her pregnancy she was liberated from the camp as the war was finally over.

This was in 1945 but her time in the camp had robbed her of her strength and being pregnant had only worsened her health. Yet she managed to have two healthy twin boys who would go on to live very long lives. But how were they separated from each other?