He Started Digging In His Backyard And Made The Discovery Of A Lifetime

Imagine doing a spot of gardening and stumbling across something incredible hiding underground? This is exactly what happened to one man, who just had to do whatever it took, to find out what this mysterious thing could be.
Prepare to be amazed!


After discovering something strange in his garden, he went to take a look at the original plans of  his house. The man found something peculiar, that he had never noticed before, and was excited to see what it was. He was on a mission and could not be stopped.


X Marks The Spot

In order to find out more, his next step was to hire a metal detector expert to search his yard. The expert marked two Xs for likely spots precisely where this strange surprise might be located. They were one step closer and figuring out the mystery.


Was It Buried Treasure

Like anyone, the man had his suspicions about what might be buried in his backyard, although he could not be sure For all he knew, it could have been a buried treasure or it perhaps a time capsule from many years gone by. He was very intrigued, and this spurred on his motivation to continue no matter how long it took.




He began to dig in anticipation. And before he knew it, it wasn’t long before he came across something unusual and certainly unexpected. It turned out that it was a metal object, but it was covered deep down in the mud, so he could not make out yet what it was.