Our Top 3 Movies to Watch While Going Through a Break Up

There’s nothing quite as heart-wrenching as trying to survive a bad break up. If you’ve been through one before you’re likely to know that the best way to recover from heartbreak is spending a good few days in your pyjamas, eating copious amounts of ice cream and watching a long list of your favorite break up movies. If you’re one of the sorry few who has recently been dumped, these three films are for you.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall 
A good laugh can cure just about anything. In this romantic comedy we watch as Peter Bretter, played by the hilarious Jason Segal, struggles to get over his famous ex, Sarah Marshall. As he attempts to ease his pain with a trip to Hawaii, he unknowingly runs into Sarah and her new beau. It will make you laugh and might make you realize that that special someone you’ve been weeping over was not that special after all.
Our Top 3 Movies to Watch While Going Through a Break Up

Eat Pray Love 
If Julia Roberts eating pasta and pizza doesn’t mend your broken heart, we don’t know what will. Roberts plays Liz Gilbert, a writer who embarks on an Italian adventure following her marriage’s deterioration. Liz discovers new joys, new experiences and new loves long after believing she never would.

Our Top 3 Movies to Watch While Going Through a Break Up

Kill Bill
We know this might be an unconventional choice but if any movie is going to make you feel like you could wear a yellow tracksuit and mercilessly hunt down every man who’s ever wronged you, this is it. Quentin Tarentino directs this revenge story starring the bad and beautiful, Uma Thurman. On a quest to avenger herself and reclaim her child, this fierce female lead is going to give you the power to wake up tomorrow and get back out there.

Our Top 3 Movies to Watch While Going Through a Break Up