He Went To Explore The Amazon Jungle, But Never Expected This

Yossi Ghinsberg longed to take to the open road in search of adventure and new experiences, but the unsuspecting traveler was about to discover something far from expected.

Ready For A Journey

When Ghinsberg turned 22, he decided that he was ready to embark on his travels around the world. The young man would never predict that his hopeful adventure and exploration would ultimately turn into a horrifying nightmare.


Escapist Aspirations

Yossi Ghinsberg was inspired to travel and adventure after he read French author Henri Charrière’s book Papillon. The novel recounts the author’s escapades after escaping imprisonment on the South American island of French Guiana. He had visions of his great exotic experiences, and soon his fantasy would materialize.


The Long And Winding Path

In the months to come, Ghinsberg was set to travel to Africa and Mexico. He still longed to fulfil his ultimate dream: exploring the spectacular Amazon rainforest. Ghinsberg longed to immerse himself into untouched heart of the jungle, but he faced a dilemma. Determined to make it to his dream destination, he worked several odd jobs including construction work in Norway, fishing in Alaska and truck loading in New York in order to put money towards his future travels.



Resourceful Globetrotter

After months of hard labor, Ghinsberg had enough money in his pocket to make his way to Latin America. It was 1981, and his hero Henri Charriere had already passed away. Still determined to follow in the footsteps of his idol, Ghinsberg traced the author’s journey, hitchhiking his way from Venezuela to Colombia.