Why Cats Do The Weird Things That They Do

Unlike dogs, cats can be kind of hard to read. One minute they seem like they love and adore you, and the next minute they seem like they want nothing to do with you. Cats love to keep their humans on their toes with their hot and cold behavior, that is why we love them after all. However, each little flick of the ear, long stare, and bunny kick all mean something different.

Cat behaviorists have been studying these little creatures for decades. Inside each one of these fickle little guys, is a complex psyche that explains why they do the things they do. Have you ever wondered why one or two belly rubs is enough, but anymore than that will result in a kick or a bite? It all comes down to certain behavioral traits, and instincts leftover from when these domesticated feline companions were big cats.

Keep scrolling to find out why your cat gazes into your eyes, sits on your chest, and purrs when you talk to them.

Enjoying Some Pets

Most cats thrive off of affection. They will actively greet their owners, and twine around their ankles asking to be petted. The action of petting a cat makes both the human and the cat feel good. Humans get a rush of dopamine and serotonin, the feel good hormones, and cats get to know that their owners love them.

Not all cats love being pet though. Certain breeds like tortoiseshells, and feral cats are known to be aloof. Use your judgement when it comes to cats you don’t know, and only pet ones that seem like they want to be pet.

Love Bites

Sometimes your feline friend will surprise you with a quick little bite. They might have been purring while they do it, which can be a tad confusing. If a cat is being affectionate, and giving you gentle bites, that’s just a token of their affection.


However, if a cat has laid its ears flat against its head, and bites hard, that is not a sign of love. Steer clear of cats that hiss, and try to attack.


The Blink And Stare

In the cat world, the slow stare and blink means one very specific thing. If you think it’s a sign that your cat is deeply in love with you, think again. The slow blink and stare is a cat’s way of judging whether or not another creature is aggressive.


Your own feline friend probably knows you come in peace, but an unknown cat may not. Stare deeply into a new cat’s eyes, and blink slowly at it. This let’s it know that you are aware of its presence, but don’t mean it any harm. That’s how you make a new feline friend.


Loud Purrs

Cats tend to purr for a variety of reasons. The sound of a purr, is similar to that of a lawnmower, but trapped inside of a cat’s throat. The most obvious reason that a cat purrs is because it is happy. Simply talking to your cat, or giving it a scratch under the chin can get the purring started.


There are some instances though, where cats purr when they are scared or in pain. If your cat is purring out of unhappiness, then you should assess the situation and see if your cat needs to see a veterinarian. There could be an underlying health condition that needs to be addressed.


Twining Around Your Legs

Most cats enjoy greeting their humans when they come home from the world outside. This usually involves some mewing, and a cat rubbing its body along your legs. This rubbing gesture actually does two things. The first, is the cat’s way of showing its human how much it loves and adores them.


The second thing is that the cat is able to mark it’s human with its scent glands. This lets other animals know that the human belongs to that specific cat. Cats will do this with other parts of the house, and their backyards if they are outdoor cats.


Having A Cuddle

Some cats love a good cuddle. Have you ever noticed that your cat likes to come and sit on your lap while you binge your favorite Netflix show? Cats like to sit on their humans’ laps because it makes them feel closer to them, and they are able to trust them not to hurt them.


Another reason cats love a good lap, is because it is nice and warm. A lap is their own personal heating pad, and it makes sleeping a lot more enjoyable for them.


The Cheek Rub

This action is similar to when a cat twines around your legs. Kitties love saying “Hello” and one of the ways they do this is by rubbing their cheek on your hand. This cheek rub releases their scent onto your hand, and marks you as a good human.


When you meet a new cat, offer them your hand, and let them come towards you. If they reward you with a nice cheek rub, then it means you’ve made a new friend.


Sleeping Together

Cats need a lot of beauty sleep. Researchers have estimated that cats spend anywhere from 12 to 16 hours sleeping. For a cat to sleep well, they need to feel secure and in a location where nothing can harm them.


They tend to sleep next to their big warm humans, because they know they will protect them. Just like a lion has its pride, cats have their humans. Always encourage your cat to sleep with you, and make them feel safe.


Stretching Out

Some cats, like humans, love to stretch out on their backs and lounge around in bed or on the sofa. When a cat stretches out, it exposes its belly which is a very vulnerable area.


If your feline companion does this on a regular basis, it shows that they trust you a lot. Next time you are tucked into bed with a good book, encourage your cat to stretch out next to you.


A Shadow

While some cats are solitary animals, most cats that have been raised from kittens suffer from separation anxiety. Cats love to follow their humans from one room to the next, especially if it’s almost time to be fed.


Going to the bathroom is considered a time when you might need a bit of guarding. They sit and watch for any predators that might attack you while you do your business. Your cat probably wants you to return the favor.


Cat Kisses

Dogs are the ones known for their wet kisses, but sometimes a cat will lick their owner’s hand too. Cats love to groom themselves, and when they’re not sleeping that’s their next favorite pastime.


Sometimes a cat will grace its owner with a quick lick, and this is a huge compliment. That licks shares a cat’s unique scent with the human, and makes the human smell like it. It’s basically a sign that you belong together. How cute is that?


Cat Scratches

You might think that cats simply scratch the carpet, furniture, and anything else they can find because they enjoy it, but there is a lot more to it.


Cats scratch areas in their homes to declare ownership of them. A cat will scratch the sofa because it sees you sitting on it, and it wants you to know that it belongs to them. Always remember, you don’t own your cat, your cat owns you.


The Slow Blink

There’s nothing more special, then the realization that your cat returns your love and affection. One of the ways they display their love, is through a long stare and a slow blink with both eyes. This slow blink, is the cat version of an adoring stare.


The blinks mean they love you. If your cat doesn’t do that, it’s alright. You can share this behavior with them, and eventually they should return it. Like people, cats need to determine how they feel about you.


Watch The Tail

If you really want to know how your cat is feeling, watch its tail. A tail that is swishing back and forth quickly tends to show that a cat is angry or annoyed. A cat that has made itself look like a Halloween cat, is very scared and should be approached with caution.


You should be able to judge your cat’s moods by its tail, and make sure that it’s left alone when it’s upset.



The Vibrating Tail

Some cats tend to mind their own business, but as soon as a can of cat food is cracked open it’s showtime. They come running into the kitchen, and start meowing with excitement. Certains cats will get so excited, that their tails appear to shake or vibrate.


This vibrating tail might look like they are about to go to the bathroom, but it’s really just the cat version of jumping up and down with glee.


Showing Off Their Bellies

As soon as a cat lets its belly hang out, you must proceed with caution. It’s very tempting to go in and give your cat a belly rub. However, this is not an invitation for pets from most cats. They’re simply lounging around, and just want to let their bellies air out.


You can go in for a pat, but be warned – it may end with your hand getting kicked and a few bites. Cats are also ticklish, which is why they may not enjoy a belly rub.


Sleeping Together

Most cats enjoy going to bed with their humans at night. You get to cuddle up together, chat about your day, and listen to the gentle purrs of your furry friend. However, the Center for Disease Control warns that this may be a hazardous behavior.


Cats are carriers for a number of zoonotic diseases. This shouldn’t stop you from sleeping with your cat, but make sure that your cat is clean and so are your linens.


Feeling Playful

Cats, especially indoor cats, need to be stimulated through play and with toys. As they are unable to run around outside, they need to be able to run around inside. Grab some cat toys and place a cat tree in your home to keep your cat entertained.


If they are destroying furniture, or chewing on electronic cords it means they need to be played with more. A misbehaving cat just means that it needs more external stimulation at home.


Hello, Human

Dogs are a lot louder than cats, and they tend to bark when their humans come home. Cats are actually no different though. As soon as they hear the door unlock, they come running to greet their owner.


They will often mew as their way of saying “Hello” and to let you know that they missed you while you were away. Cats that do this truly love their owners. If your cat is more aloof, consider finding it and greeting it as soon as you walk in the door.


Sleeping On Dirty Clothes

A pile of dirty clothes looks very different to a cat, than a human. A cat smells the clothes, and thinks they are smelling their favorite person in the world. That’s what makes them want to sleep on them.


Your feline friend wants to combine your scent with its own, to create the perfect sleeping spot. If you want your cat to sleep in a specific spot in your home, just take a worn shirt and place it there. Your cat will come and curl up for a nap in no time.


Hanging Out

The old saying, “Curiosity killed the cat,” is a very true one. Cats are incredibly curious creatures that always have to examine every inch of their homes. That might involve leaping on top of doors, or other areas that are high up.


If there is an unexplored area, then a cat will find it. As well, a place that allows a cat to perch and survey its kingdom is important. They always need to know what’s going on.


A Quick Chat

The ‘meow’ and the ‘trill’ are two distinct noises that cats make for humans. In the wild, cats tend to communicate via their facial expressions and their body language. Domesticated cats developed meowing as a way to talk to their humans, and to get their attention.


When a cat trills, which is a softer sound, it’s their way of saying they are content and happy. This has to be one of the sweetest little sounds imaginable.


Making Biscuits

Cats seem to believe in reciprocity, and ‘making biscuits’ or the kneading motion they make is a form of reciprocity. Cats love getting pets, and when they sit on your lap and start making biscuits they are returning the pets.


The only problem is that cats have claws, and they sometimes don’t know they are not supposed to use them. This can make their ‘pets’ a bit painful, but keep in mind they are just doing it out of love.


The Tail Hug

Has a cat ever walked over, and curled its tail around your leg? If the answer is, “Yes” then you are a very lucky human. This cat behaviour occurs, when a cat wants to let the world know that they own you.


The tail hug, shows other animals in the area that this human is taken. Cats are possessive animals, and that’s one of the reasons they constantly mark their humans with their scent.


Mind Games

While cats may not be able to actually talk, they are very good at communicating in other ways. When your cat wants to play, it may bring you its favorite toy, or it may look at its toy and wait for you to pick it up.


Cats like to play mind games, and make their owners figure out what they want. After you have had a cat for a few years, you will know exactly what it wants, and how to give it to them.


The Headbutt

Another way that cats show their love for their owners is through head butting. They will bump their forehead to yours, as a sign of affection. But, like all cat signs, there is an additional motive behind this head butting.


There are glands on a cat’s head, and when they rub or butt their head, these glands release a substance. That substance releases their unique scent.


The Roly Poly

Outdoor cats love to roll around in the dirt, or on freshly mowed lawns. This allows them to cover themselves in the scents of the earth, and mask their own scent should they decide to hunt.


When indoor cats roll, it’s simply another way of greeting their owners, and saying “Hey human, I love you!” Don’t forget to show your love, by giving them a nice pat.


A Tummy Full Of Air

This is definitely one of the stranger things cats do. They will make their tummies bigger, by filling them up with air. On top of that, they may start to make their tails vibrate and come over for some affection.


Cat researchers believe this is just one of the many ways they show ownership for their humans. A cat wouldn’t mark something as theirs, if they didn’t love it right?


A Small Gift

Gift giving is very important in the cat world. If you love your human, you must bring them a gift. For outdoor cats, this tends to be something they’ve caught like a mouse. For indoor cats, this could be an old slipper or a sock they found.


Always remembers that your cat is doing this out of kindness, so don’t get mad if you find a mouse on your doorstep.


A Full Moon

At the end of the day, cats are animals. In the animal kingdom, cats greet one another by sniffing their butts. A cat will show you its backside if it trusts you, and this is actually an invitation.


The invitation is for you to grab a quick sniff, and say hello the way other cats would. A simple pet on their haunches will suffice instead.


The Pounce

Cats are very strange animals. Sometimes your cat will be busy staring out the window, and the next second it will be pouncing on thin air.


This is an instinctual thing, where cats were used to having to jump in trees to stay out of harm’s way. Now, cats just jump around for fun and to catch bugs.


A Low Yowl

Most cats noises are cute like purring and meowing. Sometimes though, a cat will release long low meow or yowl. This means that your cat is not happy with your or a situation.


It’s usually a sign that they become aggressive, so just leave that angry kitty kat alone.


A Poopy Surprise

Most cats are pretty good about using their litter boxes. They will cover their poop with litter, as in the wild they would usually dig a hole and do the same.


If your cat is leaving some uncovered poopy surprises, it’s because they are not very happy. You may need to start cleaning their litter more often.


The Open Mouthed Stare

No, this stare does not mean that your cat is checking you out. Cats will stare at something with their mouths open if they need to smell it more clearly.


Opening the mouth, allows something called the Flehming response, which is essentially a cat smelling super power. Whatever they are smelling is too strong for their little noses.


The Chattering Sound

Cats will make a chattering sound when they are in the mood to hunt. You will see them sitting by the window, and when they spot a bird, they will make this unique sound.


It’s nothing to be alarmed by, your cat is just hoping to catch a present for you.


Sleeping On Computers

If there is one thing cats love, it is feeling like they are the center of attention. They will sleep on computers, and other electronics they see their owners using to get your attention.


It’s important for them that you recognize there is nothing more important in the world, then the love of your cat.


Chest Cuddles

Some cats don’t like to go to sleep for the night without a long chest cuddle. They will crawl up under your chin, and purr for a solid 20 minutes.


One of the reasons they do this, is to hear their owner’s heartbeat. It lets them know that you are alive and present with them.


A Back Arch

Most of a cat’s day is spent asleep, but when they are awake the one thing they want is attention from their owner.


If your cat slinks in front of you, and arches its back it means it would like some attention now. You are supposed to bend down and give it a nice scritch behind its ears.


Nonstop Howling

Some cats are incredibly vocal, but if your cat is howling take note. It can mean two things. The first, is that something isn’t right in their body, and they could be experiencing some pain.


The second, is that they are looking for a special cat to mate with.


A Little Bit Of Drool

Humans drool and so do cats. If your cat starts drooling while it is purring, this is a sign that they are very content.


Drooling is a sign of love, and you should take this as a compliment. Not all cats drool though, so don’t expect yours too. Just because there is no drool does not mean your cat doesn’t love you.