Woman was always the bridesmaid, so she made a full-blown career out of it

Woman was always the bridesmaid, so she made a full-blown career out of it

A lot of thought typically goes into the organization of a wedding. There are so many different factors to consider, from food and flower arrangements to where everyone should sit, meaning preparation can take months. This can be one of the most stressful times in a person’s life as they try to bring everything together for the big day. However, more often than not, all that effort is usually worth it in the end.
One thing that women have to think about when planning a wedding is who they’ll choose to be in their bridal party. This can be a difficult decision to make, especially if you have a lot of people to choose from. After all, there are only so many of your loved ones that you can make bridesmaids.
For those who get picked, it can feel like a huge honor, and one woman knows that better than most. Jen Glantz is the definition of always the bridesmaid, never the bride, and it seems she’s now made a full-blown career out of that lifestyle.

Got a good life going

When Glantz first started getting asked to be people’s bridesmaids, she was at a good place in her life. She’d come out of college with a decent degree and was working a steady job as a scriptwriter.

She was producing content for companies like Target and Disney, and living a life that a lot of creative people probably envy. However, there was always something missing in Jen’s life that her current situation just wasn’t fulfilling.


Time and time again

Coming out of college, Glantz was at the point in her life when her friends were starting to think about marriage. One by one, they began tying the knot, and they apparently all did it in quick succession.
Time and time again

By the middle of 2014, Jen had acted as a bridesmaid at half a dozen weddings. Apparently, four of those had been in the space of one year, meaning she’d become an old pro at the job. Glantz took on the role so frequently that people jokingly referred to her as being a professional bridesmaid, something she actually ended up running with.


Valuable experiences

Given Jen spent so much of her time acting as a bridesmaid, she learned all there was to know about her role. Every new wedding gave her an opportunity to sharpen her skills and do things even better than before.
Valuable experiences

She was getting a level of experience unmatched by most people, and it was teaching her how to be the perfect bridesmaid. Glantz knew that most women only got to be a bridesmaid once or twice in their lives, so she wasn’t going to waste the opportunities being thrown her way. She just didn’t imagine how much they’d change her life.


Ignoring their responsibilities

As well as giving her an insight into being the perfect bridesmaid, Jen’s experiences also showed her something that was commonly missing in weddings. Glantz noticed that in a lot of cases, the bride had responsibilities that her party should have dealt with instead. Rather than having people take the stress off her hands, she was dealing with it all by herself.
Ignoring their responsibilities

Understandably, this didn’t sit well with Jen, and she believed that things needed to change. There was clearly a role that was being left unfulfilled in people’s bridal parties, and it was time someone did something about it.