‘Dogs On The 4th’ Brings You 40 Darkly Funny Comics With Surprising Twists

“Dogs on the 4th” is a unique and engaging series by American artist Elliott Fairweather. It’s not focused on canines, but instead showcases the artist’s creative, quirky thoughts, wrapped in hilarity with dark undertones. Fairweather masterfully reveals secret and sometimes inappropriate, slightly NSFW musings that resonate with our own realities, drawing parallels between the absurd and the relatable aspects of our existence.

Helmed by this brilliant and enigmatic artist, the series has earned a devoted following for its distinctive approach. Each comic strip acts as a reflective surface, echoing back our deepest insecurities, unvoiced truths, and our often bewildering human condition. Join us as we embark on a captivating journey through 40 of these intriguing strips, each promising a delightful blend of dark humor, unexpected twists, and entertaining reflections on life’s complexities.

The Art of Dark Humor

Elliott Fairweather’s ‘Dogs On The 4th’ is a masterclass in the art of dark humor. It takes the genre to new levels, weaving in unexpected twists that catch readers off guard while simultaneously causing them to burst into laughter.


The comics brilliantly balance the thin line between shock and humor, employing a unique combination of innocent-looking canine characters and startlingly twisted punchlines. Each comic strip is a testament to the potent power of dark humor when executed with skill and creativity.

Canine Characterizations

What sets ‘Dogs On The 4th’ apart from other comic strips is Fairweather’s approach to canine characterizations. He personifies dogs in such a way that humanizes them without stripping away their quintessential doggy behavior, resulting in characters that are as relatable as they are hilarious.


Whether it’s a mischievous mutt or a pompous poodle, each character is crafted with personality traits that both entertain and endear. The narrative’s success lies in these well-rounded, charming characters who navigate their world with a comedic flair.

The Element of Surprise

One key component that makes ‘Dogs On The 4th’ such an enjoyable read is the element of surprise. Each comic strip begins with an everyday scenario that takes a sudden, unexpected turn, often with hilariously dark consequences.


Fairweather turns the ordinary into the extraordinary, packing each strip with clever plot twists that leave readers shocked and amused. The consistent element of surprise keeps readers on their toes and adds an intriguing layer to the comic series.


Striking Artistic Style

Fairweather’s striking artistic style enhances the overall impact of ‘Dogs On The 4th’. His skillful use of minimalistic art and muted color palettes perfectly complements the comic’s dark humor, adding a visual appeal that’s uniquely its own.


The simplicity of the illustrations lends more focus to the narrative and character expressions, heightening the comedic effect. It’s the perfect example of how art and storytelling can combine to create a compelling visual narrative.


Quirky Dialogue

The quirky dialogues in ‘Dogs On The 4th’ contribute significantly to its humor quotient. Fairweather’s knack for turning a simple conversation into a comedic goldmine is commendable. His dialogues, filled with clever wordplay and unexpected wit, leave readers chuckling panel after panel.


The power of well-crafted dialogue, as showcased in this comic, proves instrumental in driving the narrative and enhancing reader engagement.


A Slice of Life

While ‘Dogs On The 4th’ is primarily known for its dark humor, it’s also a delightful slice of life. Fairweather brings everyday scenarios to life unexpectedly, making readers find humor in the most ordinary situations.


From a dog’s insatiable curiosity to its adorable antics, each comic strip captures a slice of life that’s both familiar and fantastically funny. It’s a celebration of life’s little moments, each served with a side of dark humor.


The Power of Expression

A remarkable feature of ‘Dogs On The 4th’ is Fairweather’s ability to convey a lot with minimal lines and expressions. The comic characters’ faces are wonderfully expressive, contributing significantly to the humor and overall narrative.


With just a few strokes, Fairweather can depict a range of emotions – surprise, confusion, mischief, shock – making his characters come alive on the page. This mastery over expressions enriches the storytelling, adding depth to the humor.


Witty Social Commentary

Amidst the hilarity and unexpected twists, ‘Dogs On The 4th’ also offers a subtle, witty social commentary. Fairweather cleverly uses humor as a vehicle to spotlight and satirize various societal norms and behaviors.


While the comic provides a hearty laugh, it also encourages readers to reflect upon these nuances, making ‘Dogs On The 4th’ more than just a series of funny strips. It’s a testament to how humor can be used effectively to provoke thought and conversation.


Relatable Storylines

Even with its twisted humor and surprising plotlines, one can’t overlook the relatability of ‘Dogs On The 4th’. Fairweather’s skill lies in taking universal themes and presenting them through his unique, humorous lens.


Whether dealing with annoying neighbors or tackling mundane chores, readers often see their lives reflected in these comic strips, making them connect deeply with the narratives. It’s this relatability that makes ‘Dogs On The 4th’ so engaging and popular.


The Universality of Canine Comedy 

Its canine-centered comedy makes ‘Dogs On The 4th’ universally appealing. Despite cultural, geographical, or demographic differences, humor revolving around dogs, their antics, and their interactions with the world resonates with a broad audience.


Fairweather’s masterful portrayal of these furry friends, their whims, and their adventures not only entertains but also unifies readers across different backgrounds. ‘Dogs On The 4th’ reminds us that laughter is a universal language, and when coupled with the lovable nature of dogs, it becomes a heartwarming and joyous experience.


Crafted Continuity

Fairweather expertly maintains a continuity that runs subtly throughout ‘Dogs On The 4th’. This undercurrent binds the individual strips together, creating a sense of familiarity and anticipation among readers.


Characters’ quirks and habits evolve into running jokes, and previously established situations find their way into future plotlines, creating an engaging and continuous reading experience. This mastery over continuity, despite each comic being a standalone narrative, exemplifies Fairweather’s storytelling prowess.


Exploration of Relationships

The relationships between characters in ‘Dogs On The 4th’ are skillfully crafted and relatable. Fairweather explores various dynamics – friendships, rivalries, unrequited love – offering a darkly humorous perspective on interpersonal relationships.


The interactions and situations between characters are ripe with humor, sarcasm, and surprising twists. The exploration of relationships, both typical and unusual, adds depth to the comics and provides an extra layer of amusement for readers.


Comedic Timing

Fairweather’s expertise in comedic timing is critical to the success of ‘Dogs On The 4th’. He has a knack for building up to a punchline, setting the stage for a laugh-out-loud twist that leaves readers in stitches.


Each panel and speech bubble is meticulously crafted to maximize comedic effect, with timing playing a critical role. The suspense created before each unexpected reveal exemplifies the power of perfect comedic timing.


Dogs On The 4th: A Unique Blend

‘Dogs On The 4th’ is a unique blend of humor, shock, surprise, and everyday life. The combination creates a unique flavor that sets the comic apart from others in the genre.


Fairweather uses this mix to keep readers hooked, always coming back for more. Each comic strip delivers a small dose of this unique blend, making ‘Dogs On The 4th’ a one-of-a-kind series.



The unpredictability of ‘Dogs On The 4th’ is one of its most exciting features. Fairweather ensures that readers can never guess the twist until they reach the last panel.


This constant element of surprise and the unexpected turn of events make every strip an exciting read. The unpredictability maintains reader engagement and adds to the overall appeal of the comic series.


Appeal to All Age Groups

One of the greatest strengths of ‘Dogs On The 4th’ is its universal appeal. The dark humor, combined with familiar situations and expressive characters, resonates with readers across different age groups.


Younger readers enjoy the comic scenarios and expressive art, while older readers appreciate the subtler layers of humor and social commentary. This wide-ranging appeal contributes to the comic’s popularity and success.


Satire and Sarcasm

Fairweather’s comics are replete with satire and sarcasm, adding a sophisticated layer to the humor in ‘Dogs On The 4th’. These elements are cleverly woven into dialogues and situations, providing a witty critique of everyday life.


This use of satire and sarcasm distinguishes Fairweather’s work, appealing to readers who enjoy a side of sharp wit with their humor. It’s a reminder of how comics can be both funny and thought-provoking.


The Essence of Simplicity

The essence of simplicity in ‘Dogs On The 4th’ is what makes it such a compelling read. Fairweather has a knack for turning simple, everyday scenarios into comedic gold mines.


He proves that you can use simple plots to create engaging content. The simplicity in his storytelling and his distinctive humor style form the core charm of ‘Dogs On The 4th’ comics.


Emotional Undercurrent

Beneath the humor and wit, ‘Dogs On The 4th’ often carries a subtle emotional undercurrent. Fairweather occasionally weaves in themes of love, friendship, and loyalty among his canine characters, giving the comic strips a heartwarming touch.


This emotional depth enriches the reading experience, allowing readers to connect with the characters and stories on a deeper level. It shows that even in the realm of humor, there’s room for sentiment and tenderness.


“Mastur-batman”: The Dark Knight of Comedy

This comic strip features a hilarious parody of Batman, the famous superhero who fights crime in Gotham City. In this comic, however, Batman is not the hero we know and love. He is a different vigilante who attacks innocent people with his fists. The comic shows a group of people running away from him in fear while he punches them with sound effects like “BANG!”, “POW!” and “WHACK!”.


This comic is a brilliant example of absurd humor, which uses illogical and ridiculous situations to create comedy. The comic mocks the seriousness and violence of Batman’s character and replaces it with a silly and childish version.


Celebration of Canine Quirks

At its heart, ‘Dogs On The 4th’ is a celebration of canine quirks. Fairweather’s portrayals of dogs are amusingly accurate, highlighting their lovable eccentricities and habits in humorous scenarios.


For dog lovers, the comic series is a delightful homage to their four-legged friends. Even for general readers, it provides a fun, quirky perspective on man’s best friend.


The Mundane Turned Hilarious

What makes ‘Dogs On The 4th’ stand out is Fairweather’s ability to turn everyday, mundane situations into a source of hilarity. A simple walk in the park or a nap on the couch is given a humorous twist in his comics.


These daily scenarios are instantly relatable, making the humor even more impactful. By sprinkling the ordinary with his unique comic flair, Fairweather transforms the mundane into moments of laughter.


Perfectly Timed Punchlines

The punchlines in ‘Dogs On The 4th’ comics are always perfectly timed, capturing the essence of dark humor. Fairweather knows precisely when to deliver the twist, maximizing the comic effect and often catching readers by surprise.


His punchlines, loaded with wit and unexpected turns, are what make each comic strip a hilarious adventure. They encapsulate the dark humor and surprise elements that ‘Dogs On The 4th’ is renowned for.


Capturing Canine Innocence

Amidst the humor and quirky character traits, Fairweather beautifully captures the innocence of dogs in ‘Dogs On The 4th’. His comics remind us of the pure, unfiltered joy and curiosity that our four-legged friends exhibit.


In doing so, he creates heartwarming moments within the comic strips and enables readers to connect on a deeper level. This reflection of canine innocence is one of the charming aspects that sets ‘Dogs On The 4th’ apart.


The Impact of Dark Humor

The impact of dark humor in ‘Dogs On The 4th’ cannot be understated. It adds an unexpected depth to the comic series, leaving a lasting impression on readers.


The ability to explore dark humor without crossing boundaries or resorting to shock value for laughs shows Fairweather’s skill as a comic creator. The careful, clever execution of dark humor makes ‘Dogs On The 4th’ a memorable and impactful series.


Narrative Consistency

One aspect that sets ‘Dogs On The 4th’ apart is Fairweather’s narrative consistency. Despite each comic strip being a standalone narrative, there’s a consistency in character behavior, humor style, and thematic exploration.


This consistency creates a familiar and enjoyable reading experience, keeping readers engaged and eager for more. It’s an attribute that showcases Fairweather’s skill in maintaining a clear, consistent voice throughout the series.


Humor in Simplicity 

‘Dogs On The 4th’ showcases the beauty of finding humor in simplicity. Fairweather’s minimalistic style, simple plotlines, and sudden, unexpected twists result in impactful comedy.


This comic series reminds us that comedy doesn’t always need elaborate setups or exaggerated situations. Sometimes, the simple things, presented with a twist, elicit the heartiest laughs.


Spotlight on Dog-Owner Relationships

An engaging aspect of ‘Dogs On The 4th’ is its focus on dog-owner relationships. Fairweather creatively explores this bond through various humorous situations, highlighting the joys and challenges of pet ownership.


These narratives are not only entertaining but also relatable for many readers, especially those who share their lives with a furry companion. It’s a delightful homage to the bond between humans and their four-legged friends.


Ingenious Comic Construction

The ingenious construction of the ‘Dogs On The 4th’ comics deserves special mention. Each strip is structured in a way that leads the reader through a narrative, builds anticipation, and culminates in a surprising punchline.


Fairweather’s mastery of comic construction is evident in every strip, making each comic a unique journey that leaves readers amused and entertained.


Insightful Observations

‘Dogs On The 4th’ is often peppered with insightful observations about life, relationships, and society, delivered with a dash of dark humor. Fairweather has a knack for bringing out profound messages through comedic situations.


These insights add depth to the comic series, making it more than just a source of amusement. They transform ‘Dogs On The 4th’ into a platform for reflection, packaged in humor and wit.


Unforgettable Visuals 

Without mentioning its unforgettable visuals, one cannot discuss ‘Dogs On The 4th’. Fairweather’s art style is unique and compelling, with each panel rich in detail.


The visual element enhances the storytelling and humor, creating memorable images that stick with readers. From the characters’ expressive faces to the beautifully crafted backdrops, the art in ‘Dogs On The 4th’ is a crucial part of its appeal.


Subtle Social Commentary

Beneath the humor and wit, ‘Dogs On The 4th’ often offers subtle social commentary. Fairweather uses his comic as a platform to reflect on societal norms and behaviors, presented with a humorous spin.


This added layer of social commentary gives readers something to think about, enhancing the depth of the comic series. It’s a reminder of how humor can be used to spark thoughtful discussions.


Layered Storytelling

The layered storytelling in ‘Dogs On The 4th’ makes it a unique comic series. While each strip may seem simple at first, there are often multiple layers of humor and meaning to uncover.


This complexity, cleverly hidden beneath straightforward narratives and punchlines, invites readers to engage with the comic on a deeper level. It’s this layered storytelling that sets ‘Dogs On The 4th’ apart from other comic series.


An Eye for Detail

Fairweather’s eye for detail is evident in every strip of ‘Dogs On The 4th’. From character design to the background elements, every detail contributes to the overall humor and narrative.


These details enrich the visual appeal of the comic and often play a significant role in the punchlines. Fairweather’s meticulous attention to detail adds to the charm and engagement of ‘Dogs On The 4th’.


Witty Dialogues

The dialogues in ‘Dogs On The 4th’ truly serve as the comic’s backbone. Fairweather’s gift for crafting witty dialogues ensures each character’s voice is unique and humorous. His aptitude for sharp, clever dialogues imbues each strip with vibrancy, and it’s a skill that lends itself wonderfully to the comic’s overall appeal. These witty exchanges are often layered with subtlety and irony, and they delight in taking readers on a roller coaster of unexpected punchlines.


This combination of intelligent wit and masterful command over language elevates the comic experience, offering readers not just visual treats but linguistic ones as well. This characteristic is a shining testament to Fairweather’s ingenious command over language and humor.


Consistent Quality

In the world of comics, maintaining consistent quality can be a Herculean task. Yet, Fairweather achieves this with seeming ease in ‘Dogs On The 4th’. Even as he pushes out new strips, the narrative strength and the visual appeal remain the same. Each comic strip feels polished and complete, each line of dialogue sharp and on point, and each illustration rendered with the kind of attention to detail that speaks volumes of Fairweather’s dedication.


This consistency in quality assures readers that they will be met with top-tier content with each new comic. The consequence is a loyal, ever-growing reader base that looks forward to every new strip, further cementing ‘Dogs On The 4th’ as a standout in the comic universe.


Use of Visual Humor

Visual humor is a powerful tool in any comic strip, and Fairweather leverages this to the maximum in ‘Dogs On The 4th’. His use of visual gags and clever dialogues, and intricate scenarios offers a multi-dimensional comedic experience. The use of visual humor is simply brilliant, whether it’s the comical expressions etched on the characters’ faces or the hilariously exaggerated reactions to events.


Even the backgrounds are often studded with amusing elements that add an additional layer of humor. This ability to use art and visuals to induce laughter showcases Fairweather’s prowess as a visual storyteller and an artist, providing a comic experience that is both visually and humorously rich.


Unabashed Authenticity

Its raw, unabashed authenticity sets ‘Dogs On The 4th’ apart from its peers. Fairweather’s distinct voice, reflected in his unique humor style and narrative choices, comes through in every comic strip. His humor is unpretentious, and his narratives are real and relatable. This authenticity makes the comic series resonate with its readers on a deeper level.


Each strip is a celebration of Fairweather’s individuality and creative genius. ‘Dogs On The 4th’ is a bold declaration of the power of authenticity in creative expression, proving that staying true to one’s creative voice can lead to unique, engaging, and ultimately successful content.


Effective Pacing

Effective pacing is crucial in comedy, and ‘Dogs On The 4th’ excels in this aspect. Fairweather skillfully controls the pace of his narratives, building up to the punchline and delivering it at just the right moment.


This control over pacing heightens the comedic effect and keeps readers on their toes, adding to the comic’s overall engagement and entertainment value.


Captivating Cliffhangers

Finally, one cannot ignore the captivating cliffhangers in ‘Dogs On The 4th’. Fairweather often leaves readers at a suspenseful juncture, creating an eager anticipation for the next strip.


Combined with consistently high-quality content, these cliffhangers ensure that readers always look forward to more from ‘Dogs On The 4th’. It’s an effective technique that keeps the audience hooked and coming back for more.


The Masterful Fusion of Text and Art

One of the standout features of ‘Dogs On The 4th’ is the seamless integration of text and art. Fairweather’s artistry complements his writing in a way that enhances the humor and adds depth to the narrative.


The illustrations are more than just visuals; they interact with the text to create a fuller, richer experience. This fusion of text and art makes ‘Dogs On The 4th’ a visual delight and elevates it from a simple comic strip to a form of visual literature that engages both the eyes and the mind.


Embracing the Absurd

‘Dogs On The 4th’ often dabbles in the absurd, turning mundane situations into bizarre and humorous scenarios. Fairweather’s ability to embrace the strange and the surreal sets this comic apart.


Whether it’s a talking dog pondering existentialism or inanimate objects coming to life, the absurdity is both delightful and thought-provoking. It’s a celebration of imagination, a reminder that humor can be found in the most unexpected places, and a testament to Fairweather’s creative brilliance.


The Cult of ‘Dogs On The 4th’

‘Dogs On The 4th’ has not just readers but followers, forming a virtual cult that waits eagerly for each new strip. The community that has built up around this series is a testament to its impact and popularity.


From fan art to discussions, theories, and interpretations, ‘Dogs On The 4th’ has spawned a thriving online community. This is not just a comic series but a cultural phenomenon, reflecting its relevance and resonance with a wide and diverse readership.


Breaking Stereotypes

In ‘Dogs On The 4th’, Fairweather plays with and often breaks stereotypes, whether related to gender, society, or even the canine world. This approach adds depth and dimension to the comic strips.


Challenging conventional wisdom and expectations, ‘Dogs On The 4th’ becomes more than just a series of jokes. It becomes a platform for reflection, discussion, and even change, encouraging readers to question, ponder, and see the world from a different perspective.


A Reflection of Society

‘Dogs On The 4th’ serves as a mirror reflecting various facets of modern society. Through humor, Fairweather explores themes like social norms, politics, technology, and more.


This comic series is not just a source of entertainment; it’s a commentary on the world we live in. It manages to critique and question societal values while keeping readers engaged and entertained, a blend that’s as unique as it’s enlightening.


The Power of Subtlety

Fairweather’s use of subtlety in ‘Dogs On The 4th’ is an art in itself. The gentle nuances in both text and imagery offer a depth that’s not immediately apparent.


The subtle touches in each strip allow for multiple readings, each revealing something new. Whether it’s a hidden joke, a visual cue, or a deeper theme, the understated complexity invites readers to delve deeper, offering a rewarding and intellectually stimulating experience.


Exploration of Philosophical Themes

Beneath the veneer of humor, ‘Dogs On The 4th’ often delves into philosophical exploration. Themes like existentialism, morality, and the human condition are woven into the narrative.


Fairweather’s ability to explore profound philosophical questions through the seemingly simple world of dogs is remarkable. It offers readers not just a laugh but food for thought, making each comic strip a miniature philosophical journey.


Behind-the-Scenes Glimpses

The creator of ‘Dogs On The 4th’ occasionally offers fans glimpses of the creation process. These insights into Fairweather’s work routine and artistic choices add a new layer of connection with the readers.


From sketches to thought processes, these behind-the-scenes looks foster a deeper understanding of the comics. It makes the reading experience more personal and allows fans to feel a part of the creative journey.


Merchandising Success

The popularity of ‘Dogs On The 4th’ has led to successful merchandising, with products ranging from t-shirts to mugs, bearing the beloved characters and quotes from the series.


This merchandising aspect not only reflects the commercial success of the series but also its cultural impact. It’s a testament to the comic’s reach and influence, transforming it from mere drawings on a page to a part of everyday life for its fans.


Guest Artists Collaborations

Occasional collaborations with guest artists add a fresh perspective to ‘Dogs On The 4th’. These collaborations showcase different artistic styles while staying true to the core essence of the series.


These special editions offer readers a chance to see their favorite characters through a different lens. It reflects Fairweather’s openness to new ideas and his ability to blend different artistic visions into the cohesive world of ‘Dogs On The 4th’.


Sticky Situation

Have you ever disagreed with your partner about how to do the dishes? If so, you’ll relate to this comic strip. It’s a funny and realistic story about a woman who asks her man if he did the dishes, and he says yes. But when she sees the sticky plates, she questions his methods.


The comic strip has a surprising and hilarious twist that will make you laugh out loud. The man reveals what he did with the dishes, and it’s not what you think. You’ll be shocked and amused by his unconventional solution.


Superfluous Man

It’s a parody of the superhero genre that features Superfluous Man, a hero who always arrives too late to save the day.


The comic strip shows Superfluous Man flying in to rescue two people who escaped a burning building. However, he discovers they are already okay and doesn’t need his help. He flies away, feeling useless and redundant. The comic strip has a funny and ironic tone that will make you smile.


Believe the Weather

It’s a silly and funny story about two characters who have different opinions about the weather. The comic strip shows two characters standing in the rain. One of them asks the other if they believe the weather, and the other says they don’t. The first asks where the sun is, and the second begs them to stop.


The comic strip has a shocking and humorous twist will make you gasp and laugh. The second character gets hit by a rock that falls from the sky. The first one asks if they’re okay but gets no answer.


Couch Test

It’s a hilarious and original story about a person who is testing different couches at a furniture store. The comic strip shows the person yelling different sounds as they try out four couches. Each couch has a different color and a different price tag. The person is expressing their feelings about each couch with their voice.


The comic strip has a surprising and humorous ending that will make you laugh. After making the loudest sound, the person decides to buy the cheapest couch, which costs $159.99.


Santa’s Compromise

A clever and humorous story about a woman who meets Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. The cartoon shows a conversation between the woman and Santa Claus. The woman’s face is blurred, so we don’t know who she is.


Santa Claus tells her that she isn’t bad, but she isn’t good either. So he gave her half of what she asked for. The cartoon has a funny and mysterious tone that will make you curious and amused. What did the woman ask for? And what did Santa give her?


Prepare to Die

A twisted and humorous story about a man who is about to kill another man. The comic strip shows a man in a green sweater pointing a gun at another man in a red sweater. The man in the green sweater says, “Prepare to die!”. The man in the red sweater then holds up a book titled “Ready.”.


The comic strip has a shocking and hilarious twist that will make you gasp and laugh. The man in the red sweater sets the man in the green sweater on fire with a gas can. He then walks away from the burning man, who is still alive.



It’s a humorous and adorable story about a dog who wakes up at the vet after being neutered. The comic strip shows the dog asking the vet where he is and what happened to him. The vet tells him he’s been neutered and shows him his stitches.


The dog gets angry and threatens to kill the vet. The vet then makes a witty and sarcastic remark that he doesn’t have the balls to do it. The comic strip has a funny and playful tone that will make you giggle and smile.


Think Big

A humorous and clever story about a man who is trying to come up with a good idea. The comic strip shows the man talking to his brain and asking for a good idea. The brain responds with a simple and immature word: “Breast.” The man gets frustrated and tells the brain to stop thinking big.


The brain then responds with another word that is even more simple and immature: “Big breast.” The comic strip has a funny and sarcastic tone that will make you laugh and roll your eyes.


Calendar Comic

It’s a humorous and relevant story about a boss and an employee discussing a new calendar. The comic strip shows the boss and the employee walking and talking about the new calendar. The boss explains that the calendar has a touch-sensitive greeting for each day, including some lesser-known events.


The employee reacts with surprise and curiosity. The comic strip has a funny and ironic twist that will make you laugh. The boss reveals that one of the events is National Premature Ejaculation Awareness Day and then fires the employee for triggering it.


The Math-less Accountant

Have you ever wondered what would happen if an accountant didn’t know math? Well, wonder no more because this hilarious comic strip shows you the absurd consequences of such a scenario. In this comic, a boss confronts his employee, Blinkins, about some numbers that don’t make any sense.


Blinkins confesses that he doesn’t know math, much to the boss’s disbelief and anger. The comic ends with a punchline that reveals Blinkins’s ignorance of math and basic grammar.


The Calculators’ Chat

Two calculators having a funny conversation. The first calculator tries to get the attention of the second calculator by saying, “HEY!”. The second calculator responds with “…HEY!!!”.


The third panel reveals the reason for the second calculator’s excitement: the first calculator has typed “80085” on its display, which looks like a word that means something else. The second calculator says, “MY EYES ARE UP HERE.”, implying that the first calculator is being rude.